When is a door a door? - noob question

By LETE, in Mansions of Madness

Hello again!

A bit confused about the Map & doors:

If one tile has a smooth wall running it's side & the next, adjacent tile had a door(s), does this constitute as a way thru (a door), or is the adjacent door ignored (only if both tiles had doors that coincide it's a legal door )?



If one tile has a door and the other has a wall (thick brown line), the door should get a sealed door token.


Then The Silver Tablet map is full of errors… & not enough sealed doors. asustado


Ah, I guess you're refering to the doors leading into the hallway tiles?

Those are proper doors, even if there is not a door on both sides. See the difference between the short and long edges of the hallway tiles, only the long sides have thick brown lines…


Nevermind. We had it all wrong avergonzado_alegre .