While reading the new Hammer of the Emperor book I have seen a few pieces of equipment that have been mentioned at some point in the book, for each of these items I can't seem to find a set of rules to say how they would work in play. I don't know if I have just missed the one place they are explained or if they are used in one of the other 40K themed games.
1. On page 21 for the Kasrkin it says they have Enviromentally-Sealed carapace armour. I can't seem to find rules for this amour upgrade.
2. On page 24 for the Scintillan Fusiliers it says they get a Leman Russ battle tank with track guards. Can't seem to find it mentioned anywhere else or how they wanted track guards to work.
3. On page 40 for the Grenadiers Regiment type it states they get 1 deadspace earpiece per player character. Is this just like a micro bead or is it something new?
4. On page 43 for the Vanguard special equipment doctrine it says the Chimera gets a dozer blade. Another upgrade I can't seem to find the rules for.
If I find any more I will be sure to add to this post, if anyone knows where I can find rules for any of these items that would be great.