Yes, yet another stab at converting Dark Heresy to the more up to date Only War ruleset. I've seen many of them, and a lot are quite good, but none really hit on what I wanted to achieve, so I took a stab at it myself.
The major break between this adaptation and most others I've seen is that I've attempted to utterly do away with the Archetypes system. This adaptation is completely classless, you aren't pigeon-holed in any way, shape or form. I believe this lends itself better to Dark Heresy, as work in the Inquisition can take hundreds of forms. There's no home worlds, no classes, no packages of any form, you get to hand pick every aspect of your character. Some may dislike this approach; it's definitely not for everyone. I primarily made it for my group, who are the types who tend to work out a detailed character concept before they've even touched a character sheet, then mould the character around it. To that end, this also lacks statistic rolling; it's all manual allocation (I may add rolling options in the future, if anyone really wants it that badly).