I really hope an expantion is made for this game. I would like to see more of the characters from 40k Universe brought into this game.
For example: Relic: Heros of Astartes. The expantion would include 5 new charcters unquie mission cards, New Quest Cards, and more threat cards for each threat deck. The 5 new characters would be Marneus Calgar Of Ultramarine, Vul'Kan He'stan of Salamanders, Pedro Kantor of Crimson Fist, Khan Jubal of White Scares, and Raven Gaurd Shadow Captain Aremis Koryn.
I think this would be really cool since Vul'Kan He'stan is lore is that he is already hunting down relics of Vul'kan. So every time the Vul'kan player completes enough missions to gain a relic, He would simply gain a Relic of Vul'kan, with would be a unquie effect for him. Something similar for Calgar, that either he gets to roll two dice instead of one for skill checks and attack rolls or he gets to re-roll a failed skilled check or attack roll. Pedro could have something like if you are in the same area as him you can add his cunning to your attack roll. Khan Jubal gets to roll two dice instead of one during his movement phase.