Terran Command Center in connection with a move-order

By Lüuna2, in StarCraft


friends of mine and I myself just bought "Starcraft: The Board Game" and we like it very very much. :)

During a lot of Sessions several Questions appeard and all but one could be answered by simply thinking and/or reading the Rules again!

The one left is the following:

The Terran C ommand C enter (short: ' CC ') has the ability to move to other areas of a planet when playing a move-order.

Can I add the CC when attacking another Player?

I think of taking the CC with me, to be able to use the Bunker (+3 Health/Defense) when attacking enemy forces. (Of course ONLY, if the enemy has NO Base in this area!)

So - what is right?

1. I'm NOT allowed to take the CC with me, because the area is neither empty nor under my control.

2.1 The CC takes part in the battle, but does NOT count against the limit of Units i can attack with.

2.2 The CC takes actively part in the battle, AND counts against the limit of Units i can attack with.(e.g. I'm attacking an area with an maximum limit of 2 Units. Actually i could attack with 4 units. - So, Am I able to attack WITH the CC and up to a maximum of 3 additional Units - which would come to the limit of 4 Units, that I can attack with.)

3. The CC takes NOT part in the battle, BUT I'm allowed to get it after the battle to the area, where the battle took place in.

4. Something completly different?

and additional:

5. Am I allowed to use Bunker-Cards (which only work, when fighting on an area, where I have an own base), when attacking WITH the CC?

I'm sorry for my - partly - poor english, but I hope everyone understands our problem ;)

If questions appear, feel free to ask ;)

Thank you very much for your help - and have a nice evening.

Greetings :)


To move CC, the destinated area must be friendly, so it must already contain at least one of your units when you reveal the Mobilize order.

So, when you are attacking side, you are allowed to use Bunker card only, if there's your base on the contested area before (enemy defeated you earlier and you want to reclaim this area in the same turn to save your base - eg. you can't lift-off base somewhere else).

You can move your base only at sthe start of Mobilize order, so you can't use Bunker card and Lift-off ability during the same MO.

The CC can only move to freindly areas. Not even empty, so the contested area is not legal for the CC to move to.


thanks a lot :)