A group of friends and I have recently gotten into relic and really like it, even more than we liked talisman. But something we enjoyed was making our own characters and cards for talisman, and there doesnt seem to be any way to do that in relic.
Does anyone know of a strange eons addon or a template? Also, has anyone else had ideas about what kind of characters to make?
I really want to make a Bounty Hunter character, who can hand in tropies for completed missions, or a Chaos Bezerker who gets stronger the more threats he takes on and a buff to Corruption(ie, may treat his coruption as 1 higher when drawing corruption cards).
Any input aprecated, particularly regarding a template.
Player made characters
You could probabley make a good character templet in excel. Also, i would suggestion looking into some the codexes for 40k and seeing some of the characters that are in the lore.
Also, check out my threat about expantions I went posted a thought about creating some new characters. Might get the creative juices going.
I've made some inroads into making a plugin for Strange Eons for Relic. I hope to have 'something' available reasonably soon.
Start | S | C | W | S | S | C | W | S | S | C | W | S |
W | PC | L | PC | W | PC | L | PC | W | PC | L | PC | |
Power Limit: 2 | Power Limit: 3 | Power Limit: 4 | ||||||||||
Marneus Calgar |
Spacial Abilities: Calgar can re-roll both of his skill test and battle rolls. ------------------------------------------------------------- Calgar can use two weapons in a single battle. ------------------------------------------------------------- Each time you draw a corruption card, place it face down. Calgar has a corruption limit of 10. |
Asset Limit: 7 | Starting Space: Ultarmara emissary | |||||||||||
Strength: 4 | Willpower: 3 | Cunning: 5 | Life: 6 |
I made this character. What do you think?
I dont want to sound mean, but that character is horribly over-powered and broken.
Higher stats than any otehr character, A better corruption resist than the sister, a double change at exploding dice on all rolls and can weild two weapons?
Any one of those things is powerful, adding all of them on one character is just WAY over the top.
Well, it is Marneus Calgar, Chapter Master of the Smurfs, who by definition are the GW poster-boys and thus OP in of themselves. So it fits in that sense. Besides, for me his stats, being Calgar, are pathetically low.
Maybe OP for standard play, but probably okay for solo play.
lol I know seems very over powering, but he is Calgar Master of the Ultaramarines. If you play warhammer 40k, Calgar has similar abilities. For example, from Space Marine codex Calgar has the Gauntlets of Ultramar. A pair of power fist with bolters attached to them. One of few character in the entire came to be equiped with two power fist granting him a bonus attack. Also Calgar has a spcial rule, Titanic might, which allows him to re-roll his failed wonding rolls. As well, Calgar is a leader and there for has a higher leadership value. To repersent this in Relic, I thought increasing his corruption limit would be good.
Here is another one I made, different chapter of Space marines.
Start | W | S | C | S | W | S | C | S | W | S | C | S |
C | MC | 2I | W | C | MC | 2I | W | C | MC | 2I | W | |
Power limit: 2 | Power limit: 3 | Power limit: 4 | ||||||||||
Vul'kin He'stin |
Relic of Vul'kin: He'stin can not claim a relic card from the Relic deck once he has finished 3 missions. Instead use the following: - 1st Relic Spear of Vul'kin: +4 to str skill check/ +4 to str battle. - 2nd Relic Kesare's Mantle: Re-roll all skill checks and Battle rolls. - 3rd Relic Armor of Vul'kin: if your are force to lose 1 or more life, roll a dice. On a 4 or better, ignore the lose of life. He'stin has a Corruption limit of 10. |
Asset Limit: 7 | Starting point: Forge World | |||||||||||
Strength: 4 | Willpower: 5 | Cunning: 3 | Life: 6 |
If you want to make overpowered characters to play by yourself, sure, fill your boots.
You might as well set your stat dials to 12, pick out your favorite cards, place to model in the middle of the table and give yourself a high five for winning at the same time.
Just because a character from the setting should be "more powerful" doesn't mean they are a good character to play,
You might as well admit that you just want to play an OP character and use this dude.
Start | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W |
W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | |
Power limit: infinite | Power limit: infinite | Power limit: infinite | ||||||||||
God emperor of Mankind |
God Emperor of Man: the Emperors dice rolls for skill tests and combat tests explode on 1 or higher Relic power of doom: Deal out all the relics in the game, keep them all. Unlimited power: Deal all power cards to yourself, when you use a power it returns to your hand Everyone is your flunky: You do not need to spend influence, all influence spent by other players goes to you. If there is no influence in the pool, other players may not gain influence. Corruption cards you draw are placed face down, unless you choose to reveal them. Your corruption limit is infinte.
Asset Limit: Unlimited | Starting point: Anywhere | |||||||||||
Strength: 12 | Willpower: 12 | Cunning: 12 | Life: 12 |
s1r_70nk said:
This is why Lord Marneus is know as 'Mittens' to his friends…
Seriously, the stats are within a fair range for someone as close to being a Primarch as Calgar is. To be fair, I think you'd need to develop a series of HQ style characters for über gaming if you were going to use him. Game balance would go right out the window otherwise.
s1r_70nk said:
Here is another one I made, different chapter of Space marines.
Start | W | S | C | S | W | S | C | S | W | S | C | S |
C | MC | 2I | W | C | MC | 2I | W | C | MC | 2I | W | |
Power limit: 2 | Power limit: 3 | Power limit: 4 | ||||||||||
Vul'kin He'stin |
Relic of Vul'kin: He'stin can not claim a relic card from the Relic deck once he has finished 3 missions. Instead use the following: - 1st Relic Spear of Vul'kin: +4 to str skill check/ +4 to str battle. - 2nd Relic Kesare's Mantle: Re-roll all skill checks and Battle rolls. - 3rd Relic Armor of Vul'kin: if your are force to lose 1 or more life, roll a dice. On a 4 or better, ignore the lose of life. He'stin has a Corruption limit of 10. |
Asset Limit: 7 | Starting point: Forge World | |||||||||||
Strength: 4 | Willpower: 5 | Cunning: 3 | Life: 6 |
This guy is a little better balenced, but still rather powerful. But the idea of someone reclaiming specific relics has potential though and could be turned into quite a cool character.
Nothing against making specific characters, but game balence should win over "but this guy is better than that guy in the codex"
These are pretty interesting concepts, but I was more looking in the diretcion of generic, new characters. As apose to current fluff based ones. As you always should sacrifice sense for balance, it would be pretty sh*tty to play against any of these, particularly Vul'kin He'stin, who most people simply wouldnt play with. This template is intersting though, and I'll stay tuned for the SE addon.
Also, my friend thought this guy up:
I didn't appreciate any of the OP characters above. I think this Kasrkin is fair are pretty good representation for them.