I found myself startled at the Destiny Dice. At first I thought it was awesome, but when I found out the DM can use one and the player can immediately counter with one, and they both flip and, well, nothing much has happened except the Destiny Pool is THE SAME and the PC actually has an advantage with the upgrade die over the red die…
… well, here's a suggestion.
The player/DM that USES the pool first has to spend TWO points. Countering the aggressive move uses ONE point.
Basically, if you use your Destiny Pool fast and without thinking, you're out of points quick, and then you have to wait until the other side begins to use it. By making countering only 1 point, it allows for countering at any point.
Example. DM has 6 DS points. Heroes have 2 LS points. They don't abuse their LS points because they started with only 2. DM attacks. He makes his attack stronger by upgrading a die - he now has 4 points. The heroes can take the "hit" so to speak and now it would be 4/4. OR they could counter by increasing the NPC's difficulty and use 1 point. Now they have 3 and the GM has 5.
Next time the DM uses the dark side again, the heroes don't counter. They have 5, GM has 3.
IF the GM uses the Dark Side again, and the Heroes don't counter, he will have 1 and they will have 7 - and he can't use the Dark Side to aggressively attack again. He CAN counter an attack though, since he has 1 point.
Basically, GETTING points back is harder if you've been more aggressive and it becomes more tactical in that regard but doesn't ruin anything (as far as I can see).
What do you all think?