One of my players has decided to focus on flame weapons as far as personal combat goes. So…
1) Does Ballistic Skill matter at all to a Flamer user? Is there a Talent that makes it so, if not? (I didn't find one, but I'm not anything like an expert on all the Talents yet.)
2) Does the Test to avoid a Flamer consume your Reaction, or is it a freebie?
3) It says Agility Test but it sounds a lot like they're making a Dodge Test, should we consider requiring or allowing them to test Dodge instead?
2+3a) If it's an Agility Test that doesn't take your Reaction, then could the target ALSO make a Dodge Test as their Reaction and get two tries to avoid the damage?
4) Does Righteous Fury work with a Flamer? If so, how?
and besides flamers…
5) Melee Weapon Training (Universal) doesn't include the Primitive group. Arch-Militants, and probably others (though it was my AM that pointed it out), get a Primitive Weapon with the Mono upgrade (which causes the weapon to lose the Primitive quality… though it doesn't necessarily join a different group of melee weapons) to start, but not Melee Weapon Training (Primitive). Does the Mono upgrade make MWT(U) apply to the weapon, or is it intended that new "weapon masters" start with weapons they aren't proficient with?
6) If an Astropath is manning the guns and uses Divining the Future, can he use the Ballistic Skill bonus with a Ship Weapon Component?
7) If an Astropath is manning the helm and uses Divining the Future, do Ballistic Skill tests made against his ship take the penalty?
7a) What if he's just standing around the bridge trying to be useful and shouts a warning to the helmsman for the shared effect?