Hey everyone. I have a nephew who is going on a long-distance missions trip and is interested in playing one of the 40K RPGs, either Deathwatch or Only War. However, he brought up the idea of playing by letter or email. I know pbp is a thing though my experience in this is limited. What sort of advice and pointers can you all give me, from getting a game off the ground to running it, even with a limited number of players? Thanks in advance!
Help Needed: Correspondance Play
E-mail would be better.
I would recommend setting up a time frame where you expect to exchange info each day.
For example, say each day at 8pm, you check your e-mail, respond to what he wants to do. If it's quick questions, you can hang out and wait for the replies. So, you can "play" each evening for like 30 minutes.
Alternately, you can play every few days using IRC or Gchat or Skype (audio or text). I find live, all-text play to be quite satisfying with a small number of players.