
By Yenreb, in Fan Creations

I have recreated the original eight servitors using the new plugin for Strange Eons. Here they are.

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In addition, I would propose we use this thread to post any new Servitors anyone may design. I guess I'll start:

secard6352.jpg secard6353.jpg


Where do I find the rules for servitors? How do they enter play? I don't think I've seen servitors before...

jhaelen said:


Where do I find the rules for servitors? How do they enter play? I don't think I've seen servitors before...

The original rules for servitors can be found at boardgamegeek (but the actual link escapes me atm). Alternatively, you can use the revised rules in my WIP thread, as Servitors are one of the elements I use (am using) for my expansion.

Additionally, the rules for servitors can be found if you download the Rise of the Servitors extension for Strange Eons.

Good luck!

- Gio

Gio said:

jhaelen said:


Where do I find the rules for servitors? How do they enter play? I don't think I've seen servitors before...

The original rules for servitors can be found at boardgamegeek (but the actual link escapes me atm). Alternatively, you can use the revised rules in my WIP thread, as Servitors are one of the elements I use (am using) for my expansion.

Additionally, the rules for servitors can be found if you download the Rise of the Servitors extension for Strange Eons.

Good luck!

- Gio

Searching BoardGameGeek, I think I've found the original rules: Rise of the Servitors

Are the servitors available in .eon format?

I have mine in .eon format.. I dunno if Yenreb released his as such. However, mine are on my desktop's hard drive and it's graphics card is kaput atm. In the meantime, you can definitely use the images of Yenreb's Servitors with the plugin for Strange Eons to make your own .eon versions easily enough. Have fun!

- Gio

@GIO Did you ever get round to finishing these off?

Not to severely necropost (four years has to be a record for a 'legit' necro!), but yes, I did finish the expanded rules for RotS, which I have unimaginatively named "Rise of the Servitors 2.0". The revised rules can still be used with the original Servitors. My intention to release a proper expansion pack of them was slightly (if 4 years is 'slightly') derailed by the loss of my artist and unwillingness to just steal art off of the net.

Once I get back to my computer, I'll post (in a new thread) the ruleset and the new Servitors (sans art).

- Gio

PS: My artist didn't die or anything, but her personal life suddenly became very complex and we were out of touch for ~3 years.