Occulta Clarification from Experienced Players

By powerwindow, in Tannhauser

I searched and found some discussion on Heizinger's Hermetica Occulta, but it appeared as if there was not a definitive interpretation of the rule. I'm curious how expereiced players interpret it. Once a character wins the duel are they allowed to freely move on Heizinger's path, or are they required to initiate a new duel next activation to move one space at a time, much like damage inflicted by fire?

Thanks for the input. I already think this has been a very tactical piece of equipment for an otherwise weak offensive character, but the clarification will help future battles.


"Q: Heizinger's Hermetica Occulta requires a non-Obscura Korps figure to make a mental dual to enter a circle on his path. Only one test allowed. Do you need to make a mental dual if you are already on a circle on his path and wish to move to another circle on his path?

A: Yes, a character lacking the Obscura Korps symbol must always test to enter a circle on his path."

While the rules concerning the Hermetica aren't quite clear in this matter, it was officially answered some time ago. As you see, if a character passes the Mental Duel and is allowed to enter Heizinger's path, he must pass another Duel every time he wants to enter another circle on the same path. It doesn't matter if it's the same or the next activation. Furthermore, I think that you may not try again if you fail the Duel once. So if your character has managed to pass the Duel and has entered Heizinger's path, he shouldn't move around but just gun Heizinger down instead.