I'm not sure if this is a rules question or a lore question, so I dropped it in the main forum. Essentially I'm designing an encounter for an Only War game I will be running very soon--it's an Only War game where Act 2 morphs into Only War characters suddenly finding themselves in a DH game--and I had a question about boarding actions while two ships are in warp.
I have every core book at this point, and have only scanned RT. In addition mastery of Warhammer Lore extends to 15 years of unused knowledge about the fantasy setting, not 40k. Given this, I was able to find one comment page 185 of the RT core book stating boarding ships in warp is sometimes worth it, but no hard and fast rules.
So, either in mechanics or just in what you think would happen, what does boarding a derelict ship in warp look like? Do the boarding shuttles have Gellar fields? Or can a ship with Gellar fields extend them around a ship without them? Mainly I'm curious if the troops/personnel in the boarding shuttles are open to warp intrusion and if the same is true once the boarding party actually makes it onto the ship.
I'm also assuming visual navigation is impossible (and on board windows are always blacked out for warp travel) since navigators are the only ones who can "gaze" on the warp without having their minds destroyed. And finally, if this is the case, how do shuttles make it to the ship at all? Do regular "sensors" work in the warp so that instrument flying is possible?"