Well, I always have a bunch of ideas for characters, but now that I have access to Dominus Exxet, I have quite a few questions. Some are me wondering about rulings, So without further ado, let us begin
1) Can one learn both Ki and Nemesis? While it says that many consider then opposite principles, I did not see anywhere that you could no use them together.
2) Does the -10 and -30 to damage from Armor of Emptiness (Nemesis) and Nohr (Nemesis) stack?
3) With all "Impossible Weapons," do the DP and MK cost only allow you to wield such weapons?If so, if it is chosen at character creation, do you start with the weapon? Or is it a type of module that applies to all weapons that fall under its catagory?
4) Can one use Umbra to provide the weapons needed for the Impossibe Weapons, so long as there is no quality bonus needed?
5) Is there any way to grant quality to an item? I was wondering specifically hair for Cancer or magically ehancing your shadow for Umbra.
6) Could you have an Impossible Weapon benefit from two or more of the templates? An example would be Sagittarius-Capricorn needles.
Also, if you are still with me up to this point, what do you think of the following cominations? I made them up for both gameplay and story:
Blindness (Disadvantage) coupled with Eyes of the Soul (Legacy)? Eyes of Destiny (Legacy) and Eyes of the Future (Uriel)? Eyes of the Dead
(Legacy),Capricorn (Weapon), Agnitium: Absolute Eye (Magnus), and Umbra? Ophiucos (Weapon) and Etherial: Infinite Attacks (Magnus)? Raikou:
Lightning Blade (Magnus) and Etherial: Infinite Attacks (Magnus)?
Well, that is all!
For now…