Currious as to if I can eventually post the Technique creator program I am coding?

By Dko, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

As the title says, I am creating a program that will allow the user to design a ki techinique with a intuiative and simple gui. Because lord knows I've spent way too much time trying to calculate the optimal amount of ki a tech shall use.

This program is mostly for my self, but I would also like to share it with the community when it's done. But I really don't know the legaleze of it. Two big questions come to mind, and I was hoping someone could answer for me.

1st: The big one is, will I get in trouble with Fantasy Flight if I release this with a data file that contains all the data for every technique effect as presented in Dominus Exxet?

Eigther way I will be releasing along with the calculator program, another program (which I'm almost done with) that will help create said data file for the technique program. So if I can't release the file it self, anyone with the books can create it them self.

2nd: I doubt it, but will I get any flak from Fantasy Flight for just releaseing this program to the masses, for free?

In the end I hope the answer to both of these is no. I'm not making any money off this. This is for my own personal enjoyment and needs. I just hope I can let other people put it to good use to. :)

And just for grins here is a pic of the data file editor, to give you an idea where I am at. No it's not working 100% yet and I haven't even really started on the Technique editor. That hinges on this being finished first. P.s. don't mind the junk data I'm using for testing :) File Editor

1. As long as you are not charging people for it, then there is no issue at all. To make sure that there can be no problems, I advise not puting in the descriptions for all of the different abilitys for making Ki techniques, only basic data like names and all the costs. Simply put, so that you still need the actual book to make the techniques and understand them.

2. In terms of trouble from FFG, well given that the majorty of the staff and complete tools, they dont even actually keep track of their own forums, and dont even actually really care much about Anima (at least compared to their 'big named' titles), I very much doubt they will give you any problems, as you could probably even try and sell it right out of their own forums and they wouldnt even notice.

Anyway, I hope that has helped you in some way.

It's a shame they dont care about anima much, I find anima to be a great RPG system.

Thanks for the heads up. This program I won't charge for… once I'm done. If I felt like I had the energy after ward to create a fully functioning character creator. That would be another matter.