PMs Plz

By CeeJayBee2, in UFS General Discussion

This is a formal request for a system of messaging comparable to the private messages we have had since the game started. I personally ask, because I use the forums to conduct a fair amount of trades and am not comfortable using my private email for this purpose. I encourage anyone with a similar mentality to leave productive additions to this thread.


ceejaybee said:

This is a formal request for a system of messaging comparable to the private messages we have had since the game started. I personally ask, because I use the forums to conduct a fair amount of trades and am not comfortable using my private email for this purpose. I encourage anyone with a similar mentality to leave productive additions to this thread.


  • All Suggestions should be submitted to [email protected]
  • You are not comfortable using your private email to conduct your trades, but you are comfortable telling people where you live. <Just Sayin'>

I want Pms...

also WTF at my post being too short to post -_-

Sol Badguy said:

I want Pms...

also WTF at my post being too short to post -_-

It means that your post is too short and will most likely not contribute anything to the furoms. It's an insurance policy against spamming, or at least it forces the users to think a little before they post content. Private messages would be nice, only because of the convenience factor.

Sol Badguy said:

I want Pms...

also WTF at my post being too short to post -_-

It means that your post is too short and will most likely not contribute anything to the furoms. It's an insurance policy against spamming, or at least it forces the users to think a little before they post content. Private messages would be nice, only because of the convenience factor.

Yeah, I must confess, I use PM'ing quite a lot and it would be nice to see it back here again. Not quite sure why it was left out, really.

I too would greatly prefer pm's not only for convenience but for email factor.

Antigoth it's not so much he cares if they know where he lives, it's the good ol'e scare factor of spam i'm guessing, i wouldn't like that either. some spammer comes in here and starts jacking our emails left and right sending us stuff about enlarging our chain throws or would we like to invest in addes syndicate equals not a happy emailer.

sir_shajir said:

It means that your post is too short and will most likely not contribute anything to the furoms. It's an insurance policy against spamming, or at least it forces the users to think a little before they post content. Private messages would be nice, only because of the convenience factor.

It doesn't. If you just quote a post it bypasses the security completly.

I have to agree on the PM front, a lot of the organisation for OP in the UK is done via PMs, I get loads. It would be most awsome to have them back again, please, pretty please, with a cherry on top.............................. happy.gif

I want pms as well not so much about people having my email but we have to now go to 2 places to do trading one to look at lists and now another to finalize.

I do find it a little surprising that PMs we're left out, especially with the friend system, but it could be from a server memory stand point. Think about it, how many of us actually delete and sort through our PMs regularly, maybe most but I'm pretty bad at it, my PM box steadily stays at a 85% to 100% full rate, and my Yahoo is nearly at 1900. They might have just not wanted to deal with having to have that much extra space for each person.

Still, I'd like to have them, they can't be that bad.

yeah i agree as well id love 2 see PMs back maybe if enough of us post it will make a difference

yeah i agree as well id love 2 see PMs back maybe if enough of us post it will make a difference

yeah i agree as well id love 2 see PMs back maybe if enough of us post it will make a difference

While I rarely used PMs, I do see the general usefulness of having a PM system in place. Its definitely a feature that should be added to these forums because so many people used them. Its not as if the function would go to waste unless it was garbage.

Antigoth said:

You are not comfortable using your private email to conduct your trades, but you are comfortable telling people where you live. <Just Sayin'>

I appreciate the instructions, I'll do just that.

As for the last remark, I'd rather have my PM box full of little one-line messages than my email where I conduct more important business. Call it personal preference and none of your concern. No offense.

So, if everyone who feels the need to post here could also drop a line at the email Antigoth posted it would be much appreciated.

I would have to agree on the PM front.

I am about to send off my request to the address provided.

Honestly I use my email for only important business, I also tend to use my PMs for more then just tradeing like sharing ideas and what not that I would not want posted in the general forums, I guess I am a bit shy about posting in the forums but thats how I choose to do business.

Psyscape said:

I would have to agree on the PM front.

I am about to send off my request to the address provided.

Honestly I use my email for only important business, I also tend to use my PMs for more then just tradeing like sharing ideas and what not that I would not want posted in the general forums, I guess I am a bit shy about posting in the forums but thats how I choose to do business.


Psyscape said:

I would have to agree on the PM front.

I am about to send off my request to the address provided.

Honestly I use my email for only important business, I also tend to use my PMs for more then just tradeing like sharing ideas and what not that I would not want posted in the general forums, I guess I am a bit shy about posting in the forums but thats how I choose to do business.

I agree now we cant have one on one conversations with people unless its through email . Like for a new player if they wanted to contact a experienced player they have to get their email which they might not want to give it out.

With whatever respect Antigoth deserves, I'd sooner not be throwing my e-mail out there to the masses. Not saying that there are any Ufs players are secret chinese spammers, but think about man... Any joe sixteen year old can just wander on into a forums and snag some e-mails, then proceed to have Donna Doing the Donkey DVD specials flood some people's inboxs. While you may enjoy having your e-mail account cluttered with porn and various other types of spam, I'm fairly certain the majority of us folks don't.

Also, i may be wrong, but not everybody looks their e-mail inbox everyday...

Guys - Please don't take my initial post as me agreeing with the policy.

With my second point I was just showing a disconnect that I perceived from the original post. Didn't mean to offend. My first point was showing the proper steps so that if people actually want this thread to amount to something they would know what to do. (Email [email protected])

Please note - your Email address is only available to people that you friend. So if you're adding someone to your friends list, they can see your email. Otherwise, they can't. So Spammers won't be able to grab your email from here unless you let them.

Again - I am I not saying I agree with this policy. There is a reason why in one of the trade threads that I responded to, I told the user to contact me via PM on TCO, (AKA my site) which is another site we both frequent.

Well, for now I guess I can just use the PM system from the old forums, but I don't much fancy having to keep on going back to it just for that, so I hope they bring something out sooner rather than later :)

Once again why should we have to do pming on other web sites if email is not an option I mean we still have not heard the reasoning for no pms.

while i'm neutral for the most part about the lack of PMs, there are alternatives to them...

those who have a problem with their current email being known by others could just get another meant specifically for UFS/conducting trades and such and then just edit their profile accordingly... yahoo and a bunch of other email places don't charge you to have email address...

but... this new forum is extremely inconvenient in regards to the trade forum... from the lack of editing posts after 5 minutes to the lack of pms... its a little rediculous that you have to wait for someone to accept you as a friend before you can contact them privately simply over a trade... one solution to this though is for people to post their IM/YIM/MSN etc screen name on their trade thread for faster contact... if they're not comfortable with their current sn being known then they can make up a separate one for trading... same could be done with email addresses... i know that with some messanger services it is possible to be on more than one sn at once, with AIM you can either get deadAIM (which will let you be on at least 6 different screen names at once, probably more but i haven't had a need to try to see how many of mine i can be on at once...) or just link screen names with regular AIM... i'm not familiar with other services so i can't speak for those...

meh, that was just my 2c...