Achievement Points for Ship Components?

By Aldyramon, in Rogue Trader


I have a question about the Bonus Achievement Points for Ship Components. How often do I get these and do I need to do something in order to get them?

Let's say I have a Ship with

  • Luxury Passenger Quarters (100 Achievement Points for Trade, Criminal and Creed)
  • Main Cargo Hold (100 Achievement Points for Trade)
  • Baracks (100 Achievement Points for Military)

I am trying a Lesser Endeavour with 3 Objectives with 300 Achievement Points each:

  • Objective 1: Crush the Feral Orks Who Infest the Ruins (Themes: Military)
  • Objective 2: Forge an Alliance with a Ministorum Cult (Themes: Creed)
  • Objective 3: Raise up the Pilgrim Horde (Themes: Creed, Trade)

Do I get the free poins without doing something, or do I need to use the component in some way, like invite a Ministorum Official to the Ship (for Objective 2) and let him stay in my Luxury Quarters while showing him the planned Colony?

Do I get the Points for each objective or just once per Endeavour? So do I get 100Points from the Luxury Quarters für Objective 2 and 3 or just once?

Components usually say that they apply towards an Objective, not an Endeavour. Thus theoretically every Component can add bonuses to each Objective in your list. However I would usually say that the Component has to be used somehow and is thematically appropriate. Thus if you were transporting a group of super-pious, minimalist pilgrims to a colony somewhere, applying the Luxury Passenger Quarters bonus may not be appropriate. However if your players get clever and can still somehow work it in, then they deserve the reward.