Any hope for Eldar?

By Plushy, in Rogue Trader

There's been somewhat of a vocal group for playable Eldar since Rogue Trader came out. Having just finished Gav Thorpe's excellent Path of the Eldar trilogy last week, I've hopped back on the bandwagon.

Do you guys want to see playable Eldar? A Corsair or Corsair Prince career would fit the existing game very well, and I think you could build an entire game off of the regular Craftworlders if FFG really wanted to. Splitting it into just Path of the Warrior/Seer/Outcast would allow for diversity without clutter (just small packages for different aspects, Warlock, Farseer, Ranger, and Corsair, with potential for Harlequins later) would work well.

I did some really shoddy work on this a long time ago. Is there any interest for new work on this now?

I think it could potentially be an excellent resource, and one that fits in more naturally than the Dark Eldar*, as Craftworld Eldar have their own reason for doing things, Corsairs could just be bored enough to think this might be interesting. Plus as you've poinetd out there's already a somewhat built-in series of progressions in the fluff for Eldar Explorers, and there's certainly no shortage of information about their weapons or ships.

Is it possible to send an email to Fantasy Flight Games to politely ask them to work in the character creator for an Eldar PC in the next supplement for Rogue Trader after Faith and Coin? I love the Eldar and think their culture is fascinating.

I've been waiting for playable Eldar ever since it's been announced that playable aliens will feature in Into the Storm. I'm somewhat satisfied with the inclusion of Dark Eldar, but at the same time it makes the lack of rules for their less sinister cousins even more baffling.