Just wanted to say I have played this game at a friends house and absolutly loved it. Went to buy and can't find it anywhere. Please bring it back! I need to add this to my FFG collection!!
Fantasy flight please bring back Runebound!!
I must agree. I have not played, but it looks great and what I am looking for. Please bring this game back.
I agree!
I have the main game (second edtion) and all the board expansions. I've played them a lot and i'm looking now for the adventure variants, extra items, etc…
But they are allmost impossible to find!
A 3rd edition with updated graphics and clarified rules and i'll buy one day one!
I got in to FFG board and LCG games JUST after you could no longer buy this game for less than 3x its retail value. I would LOVE to see this get updated and reprinted. I play a lot of solo gaming, so this would be a perfect game for me.
flyingtable83 said:
I got in to FFG board and LCG games JUST after you could no longer buy this game for less than 3x its retail value. I would LOVE to see this get updated and reprinted. I play a lot of solo gaming, so this would be a perfect game for me.
In the meantime get Mage Knight + Lost Legion. Best solo experience imo.
If this works as a petition, count me in. For me it's one of the best solo game expierience I've ever got and I want more
Count me in, too! I have everything for the second edition, but would still welcome more! Heck, at this point, I'd probably start over with a 3rd edition - I just love this game!!
me too, this looks epic please reprint or release V3 but please don't make it milky if you change it.
Come on third edition!
flyingtable83 said:
I got in to FFG board and LCG games JUST after you could no longer buy this game for less than 3x its retail value. I would LOVE to see this get updated and reprinted. I play a lot of solo gaming, so this would be a perfect game for me.
In the meantime get Mage Knight + Lost Legion. Best solo experience imo.
Did get it. Great game, with really granular and well thought rules, but it lacks... soul. At times it seems that the system is letting you play the game, rather than you're in control of your character.
Also, while the missions are good and the recruiting feels epic, it doesn't quite feature all the awesome loot and different enemies of Runebound, that (to me, obviously) still keeps the throne.
For V3 I'd like to see a bigger map, please.
FFG hears our cries and laughs.
I think if we don't get an annoucement before novembre we're screwed!
**** I would love RB3E!!!!!!!!! That's my geekiest dream!
It's the only announcement i'm waiting for
I want my Runebound fix bad
I don't feel good...I...think i... mmmmmm ... gonna passssssss out ..................................................
I got this on my table several times with my group. Every person said, "It's six player solitaire". And as much as I didn't like that description, they are right.
The time between turns is lengthy, the order of combat heavily favors one class over others and attempts to balance it out only partially do so.
With that said, I enjoy the theme, the heroes, the richness of all of it. And I still want to play and enjoy playing it. The board expansions really did take it to whole new levels and the mini expansions added so much to it and gave more goals and scenarios.
It was really well done in that regard.
I'm very mixed on this. I feel it would serve better if the party moved together instead of separately...just from a "speed up the game" and "keep others engaged" point of view. I truly have no vested interest in what other players are doing as it stands.
Also, so many wonderful item cards, the stack is very high, yet it is so difficult to get them into play. It is also a limitation.
I would be a big fan of 3rd edition as I feel there are tweaks that would get this back in the limelight.
I'm very mixed on this. I feel it would serve better if the party moved together instead of separately...just from a "speed up the game" and "keep others engaged" point of view. I truly have no vested interest in what other players are doing as it stands.
It's funny you should mention this. I'm currently working on a variant idea with exactly this in mind. 1-6 heroes moving as a single party. If a hero is KO'd he stays with the party and they have to take him back to a town to revive him. If everyone is KO'd, game over.
I'm still working on the best way to keep challenges... challenging... when you could have as many as 6 attacks, not counting allies, per combat round.
If you play with 4, make the challenge x4 stronger
I want an improved third edition too!
Edited by arkivaWould absolutely love a 3rd edition, but to be honest I would also be happy with a reprint, so II could afford some of the mini expansion without having to sell a kidney..
Waiting for Runebound 3rd edition or reprint of 2nd edition, just discovered this game only to find out how late i am. Cant afford the outlandish prices i am finding on the limited availability. I'm holding out for the next coming of this game series.
Waiting for Runebound 3rd edition or reprint of 2nd edition, just discovered this game only to find out how late i am. Cant afford the outlandish prices i am finding on the limited availability. I'm holding out for the next coming of this game series.
Runebound brought me here!
So many posts in so many threads and why no response from FFG? Come on FFG, you know you want to do this, and here we are with shiny lucre to hand you.
I'm adding my voice to the cause!
FFG bring back Runebound!
(...and if it's through a 3rd edition PLEASE make it backwards compatible, or give us a conversion kit , thank you...)
(edit- ...heck, I'll buy it even if you don't!)
Edited by Captain CleggHi FFG, I have been playing Talisman and Relic for a while and a friend showed me Runebound second edition lately. I went around my local FLGS and they are all out of stock.
I would really really like to be able to buy this game. Please can you update it or release a new edition.
Guys! Come post in the "Group positive thinking" thread. We're gathering all the comments and wishes for RB3 and a guy will probably work on a petition of some sort to send to FFG!
Come join us in our crusade!