Escape from Mos Shuuta with Roll20 - online game

By Ceodryn, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Hey guys,

I'd like to run Escape from Mos Shuuta with Roll20 online, a second time, with a tentative date/time set to Saturday 27th April at 6pm EST. I am looking for up to 6 players. We will be using the pre-generated characters. If you are interested, head to Roll20 and ask to Join the below campaign:

Star Wars EotE: Escape from Mos Shuuta



I sadly get a "not authorized" message when I click on the link.

Regardless, I'm definitely interested in joining, could you possibly send me an email at ar318307@gmail if you don't find enough people to play with? I've been looking for people to play with for ages.

Since I've been working on hosting my own campaign on Roll20 I've amassed quite a collection of tokens, maps, and other useful things for the game if you need anything.

Hope we can make this happen. :)

Sorry about that, I am still learning Roll20 and they recently changed how GMs can invite players. The below link should allow you to join the game:

I will however email you an invite.

Thanks for your offer, I have scanned what is needed of the beginner box to be able to host this game online so I am set for that one. However I'm always happy to exchange more maps and tokens. As I said, I'll email you.

And, if you are looking for players for a campaign, well I am very interested. I know there are others on Roll20 that are looking for an EotE campaign. Personally, I don't feel ready yet to GM a campaign for EotE. I'd like the core rulebook first, and I am also GMing a weekly WFRP3 online campaign thus time is limited.



Do you have room for my friend and me to play? We are both VERY experienced roleplayers and know the system in EotE well. I'd like to play as Pash, if possible.

Hello Ceodryn.

I'm planning on starting a beginner's game on roll20 as well.

Would you mind if I stole some ideas from you? (I mean the handouts, the way you did the character sheets, etc.)

And by the way do you still have the tokens for Sasha and Mathus? I can't seem to find any, and I'm not savvy enough to create some from the PDFs (If you want to tell me how it's done though, I'd be happy to try! ^^).

