As a way of a short introduction, I recently decided to run a series of campaigns set in the 40k universe. I know next to nothing about said universe (my Warhahmmer knowledge is largely confined to the Fantasy setting,) but on a suggestion I bought the Only War Core book and loved it.
I followed this up by buying the Dark Heresy core book, the Rogue Trader Core Book, as well as a few supplements for both. In any case, I'm going about the intial design stages for a game utilizing the Only War books. Essentially, since none of group (besides myself and one other) is at all familiar with the Warhammer ethos, lore, etc I want to run a game where the players are working directly for the inquisition.
So my intial thoughts are I'm going to make the player characters part of a newly raised regiment which the Schola Progenium has raised to specifically serve the inquisition and the inquisition only. Pretty quickly, probably at the end of the first game session, the characters are going to find that their squad has been appropriated by an inquisitor to act as very specialized acolytes.
1. Does this make some sense cannon wise? I am going to run it this way in any case probably, but it would be nice if this scenario wasn't totally impossible.
2. Because the game is going to quickly shift from its military structure (they will still officially be members of their regiment) to the structure of an acolyte cell in DH, how should I handle "squade mates." Basically, I've got 5 players and I am not really sure the idea that there are 5 other guys running around with them everywhere works. At best, I'd include them, but only have them "accompany" the characters places when it made sense for 10 guys to be "investigating" together at once. It seems easier to just say they don't exist, but what should I do about the balance changes for characters with squadies that not having them would effect (obviously my Commisar and Stormtrooper won't feel this at all).
3. How should I handle logistics? For most of the campaign the players are going to have to rely on their patron inquisitor and themselves for things. How would you guys go about modifiying the "income" mechanics from DH in this situation? I.e. what should their starting pay be? How much should their "pay' as elite special forces guardsmen be?
4. I can work this out myself, but I thought I'd ask: any advice on which bestiary is easiest to convert for this game? The Only War bestiary is already very very thin as is, so I know this is going to be necessary.
5. My biggest problem : The regiment I've created for them is a Droptroop comando unit raised specifically to serve the inquistion. The problem is the stats for things like the Imperial Navy Valkyrie (as well as other vehciles like bikes and jump packs) are not listed in the Only War core rules, the Dark Heresy Core Rules, The Rogue Trader Core Rules, etc. I even purchased the Rogue Trader: Battlefleet Kronos book (as well as other DH and RT "bestiaries") in hopes that I could find them, but no luck.
So the question is is there any resource available that might tell me which books I might find these things in? . Having already spend nearly $300 on books, I don't actually have the budget to buy EVERY book at this point, so it would be nice to know exactly which books I need so I can buy those.