While some powers require a test to hit in addition to the powerroll, others do not.
I'm thinking only of the direct damage dealeing "shooting" powers here, like Bio-lightning and Force Bolt.
So why are these treated differently? They cost the same XP to aqcuire and are mostly equivalent to ensure a Psyker gets his X-Bolt regardless of his chosen discipline.
Biomancy: Bio-Lightning. Threshold 14, damage 1d10 + WPB (E). Hits automatically. Overbleed adds bolts, which all hit automagically.
Pyromancy: Fire Bolt. Threshold 11, damage 1d10 + 5 (E). Requires a WP test to hit. Overbleed adds bolts, each bolt needs a new WP test to hit.
Telekinetics: Force Bolt: Threshold 13, damage 1d10 + WPB (I). Requires a WP test to hit. Overbleed adds damage.
Telekinetics: Force Barrage: Threshold 21, damage 1d10 + WPB (I). Requires a WP for each bolt.
Telepathy: Soul Killer: Threshold 25, damage 1d10 + 2*WPB (X) Ignores Armour. Hits automatically.
So why do these act differently? Why does the Biomancer hit all his targets with no chance of error, but the Pyromancer has to concentrate and will likely miss half the time?
Would it be a good idea to harmonise these, and either require all these "shooting" powers to require a WP test, or this test superflous? I dislike excessive dice-rolling, and the Psyker here already needs to actually succeed on his powerroll.