Approaching Cair Andros and Celedor

By Ranger of the Force, in Rules questions & answers

Approching Cair Andros: If a player reaches 37 threat then it gains siege, but is this permanent, or is seige only active when the threat is 37 or higher. So could you remove siege if you reduce your threat below 37?

Celedor: When he is in the staging area, can he do anything other than commit to the quest? Is he exhausted while in the staging area or his he ready but still contributing to the quest?


1) The Siege text is active only while the player has 37 or higher threat. If you can lower your threat, you can ignore the text. This would be true even mid-quest phase. For example, commit characters to the quest, go through all of the staging step, and there is an action window before quest resolution. You can even play Galadhrim's Greeting at this moment to lower your threat in the player action and make this a willpower-based quest if you get below 37.

2) Celador can't do anything other than commit to the quest while in the staging area. As for whether or not he is "ready," I'm not sure. I'm of a mind to say that ready/exhausted do not apply to him while he is in the staging area. While there, Celador is just an objective encounter card (his card text says "objective - ally"). Ready/exhausted are concepts that apply to character cards (heroes and allies). He doesn't become a regular ally until text on stage 3B does that for you. If I'm wrong, however, and those concepts do apply, he's surely ready.

Another question about Celedor. Can Celedor be healed while he is in the staging area?

i do not think so - the players do not control him yet


i do not think so - the players do not control him yet


Hm, but didn't we have a discussion about Radagast being able to heal enemy creatures (in theory)? And IIRC the conclusion was that he could do so. So why shouldn't the players be able to heal Celador? Furthermore, there is nothing that indicates that you have to control the wounded character (you can heal another players characters, for example). may be correct on that one. i wasnt aware of that discussion.
