A Treasure So Great…?

By venkelos, in Rogue Trader

I need some ideas for something. Say you are a Rogue Trader, flying out where Emperor-fearing people haven't dared tread, when you find something … This thing is very important, very valuable, but could also be very heretical, or change the course of the region for eons to come. You treasure it, protect it, maybe even love it (not in a "you'e been brainjacked" sort of way), and have put it in stasis, hiding it, and an entire ship, perhaps, to keep others from finding it, swearing your crew to silence, and even passing through some vague Inquisitional questioning, upon your return. Someday, you might tell your heir about it, but it's a secret no one else is currently privy to.

So, what could this be? This isn't a riddle, mind you. This is a bit of my story, but one I can't peg down. LC Korvallus went out, found something , and it shook him. Whatever it is, he doesn't hate it, isn't going to destroy it, but fears what could happen if it were discovered. He has placed it in a stasis container, and hidden the priceless ship he flew when he found it on the surface of a not-so-important agri-world he now administers. Over a short time, he has since gone out less, allowing others of his Dynasty to act for him, trying to decide who will take his Warrant when his life ends, and carry the secret, with it. Meanwhile, he has assumed a more Wrath Umbolt-like position, if not much more easily approachable, and jovial, on hs space station. So, any ideas what the something could be? I had vaguely thought of a few things, like a half-breed child of his (though that really wouldn't be shaking enough), or a synthetic life form with considerable stellar knowledge (think Melfina from Outlaw Star, or maybe something slightly more Kortana-style), but I can't decide. I would prefer if it had personality, but it will spend much time in stasis, so it doesn't HAVE to be sentient. Please assist?

What if the Rogue Trader found a genuine text chronicling the Horus Heresy as penned by one of the important Remembrancers. The ship carrying the remembrancer was lost in the warp and spat out thousands of lightyears of distance and millenia of time later into the Koronus Expanse. The crew all horrifically decayed from Warp exposure but the ship and its contents miraculously intact. Having verified the age of the ship and thus the text it carried, the Rogue Trader now has irrefutable evidence that the God Emperor is merely a mortal man that has been falsely worshipped for the last ten millenia…
The text could incite a civil war in the Imperium on the scale of the Horus Heresy, it could lead to the Emperor being de-throned and science and logic ruling once again, or it could end in the Rogue Trader, his entire Dynasty and any contacts he has ever made being delcared Excomunicate Traitoris and hunted down by the Inquisition, Astartes, Arbites and Ecclesiarchy.

You said you wanted a treasure so great…

- a Star child.

- a Primarch (any of the lost ones and he is the one askign to be kept in stasis)

- nothing. (the secret is a diversion, the actual secret is somehting much bigger and sinister)

- is one true love (nothing of importance except for him, the only women he ever loved and stole her and kept her in stasis for ever.

- an important locl figure (sector/Imperium wide) Achilus, etc.

- a very powerful Archeotech weapon, something abel to destroy a star, etc. Something the now incompetent Imperium should not have.

The Emperor Reborn, a small child that must be brought before the Throne of Terra. That certainly would sunder the Imperium.

A fully intact STC device. Again, as priceless as this would be, how badly would it disrupt and destroy what we know as the Imperium. Were the AdMech even around when these things were first developed?

Still kinda leaning toward the Melfina-like Synthoid. A fully artificial being, built in the appearance of a Human, with complete AI, if maybe a certain bit of naivety would slap the entire AdMech across the face. She would be far more advanced than anything they still have, and after the Men of Iron, perhaps not a concept they wish to accept. But she doesn't stop at the AdMech. When she was built, it was with the plan of her design replacing the Navis Nobilite; Tech-Priests would likely trust their machines over an unenlightened mutant, and the Klenova Class M Warp Engine (HA, p.69) proves that at least some TP's have thought about rocking the NN's monopoly.

This Synthoid could have been constructed carrying some of the most accurate and complete maps in the galaxy, from before Humans forgot everything, and with some type of tech, maybe even glimpse some aspect of the Warp, to steer. If the Tau can skip across the Warp boundary, I can imagine some archaeotech apparatus that can sort of help her to gauge the Warp, and she's immune to possession, warp shock, and numerous other threats. This idea could also devastate his own Dynasty, as Korvallus is in sig dealings with the House Volaris, and if they discovered a machine that could replace them, they might walk, as would any other Navigators who Korvallus might try to replace them with.

She could almost be a fun character, if every aspect of her existence wasn't heresy in some fashion of another.

For the others, I believe the Emperor was a greater man, but I know He disapproved of religion. A text penned by Him, telling of how he hated it, maybe even referencing when He had to call the Word Bearers and Lorgar to heel, and disallowed their further worship of Him might be more my liking; He needs their worship now, but he'd still hate it, and if the Imperium knew He hated it… I'm already working on an unrelated fanfic with a Star Child-like angle. The Emperor probably won't like how much the Eldar are involved in it. Primarch discoveries can fit better in DW, where there are Space Marines. Had some ideas for Void Gazers (Space Marines with the Navigator gene) and Void Shadows (SMs with the Pariah gene) but… i shuld stop there with those heinous thoughts. I don't actually know what STCs are supposed to be so big for. I have an idea of what they do (assembly lines/plants), but not more than that.

Well i have something for than is considered hereticall, can change the whole Imperium and its inner workings and the Rouge Trader.

Among Imperiums many secret organizations there was Ordo Chronos (it is thought that they studied the passage of time when traveling trough the warp). After some temporal incedents in Jericho Reach of Ultima Segmentum the mebers of Ordo Chronos vanished without leaving a single trace.

Now you discover a Imperial ship with the "Ordo" singnature/markings. most of crew dead but there was one in-stasis survivor(color the personality of that one as you wish), the ship itself is undamged and records show journal logs from 1000 years in the future, and by the size it is easy to establish that there are Yottabyte ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yottabyte ) of data.

Well knowledge of the all major events for the next 1000 years is quite universe-breaking.

The logs show diffrent time periods and there is an enormous amount of undated events so without the last passenger there is no way of knowing: What?; Who?; and mostly When?;

A data wand from the Lost Age of Technology. A sassy and impatient sentient A.I trapped in the incongruous form of a data-wand. The wand is a technological marvel able to unlock any door, interact with any machine spirit, see in almost all shades of the light spectrum, but this isn't all. The wand tells tale of a harrowing time in humanities past, the beginning of the Old Night. Humanities actions revealed for the first tim, the atrocities of Old Earth, everything the Imperium has forgotten over the millennia is stored within this data-wand. Including a portion of the Ultra-Secret gene science the Emperor wasusing as a basis for his work on the Adeptus Astartes. Could the Ad Mech forget thier hatred of A.I for long enough to extract the data stored within? How would the Ecclesiarchy and the Ministratum react to news of such historical records and data, including the knowledge of how to repair and replace all of the STC templates from the Golden Age? What about the Astartes? Some chapters would declare Exterminatus across entire secrors of space just to get hold of such things, while others would do the same to destroy it.

Perhaps something like a Dark Age of Technology Battleship, in perfect condition with the cogitator and databanks (to the period of time it was lost) intact?

Kasatka said:

What if the Rogue Trader found a genuine text chronicling the Horus Heresy as penned by one of the important Remembrancers. The ship carrying the remembrancer was lost in the warp and spat out thousands of lightyears of distance and millenia of time later into the Koronus Expanse. The crew all horrifically decayed from Warp exposure but the ship and its contents miraculously intact. Having verified the age of the ship and thus the text it carried, the Rogue Trader now has irrefutable evidence that the God Emperor is merely a mortal man that has been falsely worshipped for the last ten millenia…
The text could incite a civil war in the Imperium on the scale of the Horus Heresy, it could lead to the Emperor being de-throned and science and logic ruling once again, or it could end in the Rogue Trader, his entire Dynasty and any contacts he has ever made being delcared Excomunicate Traitoris and hunted down by the Inquisition, Astartes, Arbites and Ecclesiarchy.

You said you wanted a treasure so great…