I need some ideas for something. Say you are a Rogue Trader, flying out where Emperor-fearing people haven't dared tread, when you find something … This thing is very important, very valuable, but could also be very heretical, or change the course of the region for eons to come. You treasure it, protect it, maybe even love it (not in a "you'e been brainjacked" sort of way), and have put it in stasis, hiding it, and an entire ship, perhaps, to keep others from finding it, swearing your crew to silence, and even passing through some vague Inquisitional questioning, upon your return. Someday, you might tell your heir about it, but it's a secret no one else is currently privy to.
So, what could this be? This isn't a riddle, mind you. This is a bit of my story, but one I can't peg down. LC Korvallus went out, found something , and it shook him. Whatever it is, he doesn't hate it, isn't going to destroy it, but fears what could happen if it were discovered. He has placed it in a stasis container, and hidden the priceless ship he flew when he found it on the surface of a not-so-important agri-world he now administers. Over a short time, he has since gone out less, allowing others of his Dynasty to act for him, trying to decide who will take his Warrant when his life ends, and carry the secret, with it. Meanwhile, he has assumed a more Wrath Umbolt-like position, if not much more easily approachable, and jovial, on hs space station. So, any ideas what the something could be? I had vaguely thought of a few things, like a half-breed child of his (though that really wouldn't be shaking enough), or a synthetic life form with considerable stellar knowledge (think Melfina from Outlaw Star, or maybe something slightly more Kortana-style), but I can't decide. I would prefer if it had personality, but it will spend much time in stasis, so it doesn't HAVE to be sentient. Please assist?