With Dark Heresy supplements grinding to a stop, I thought I would do my small part to try to maintain interest in DH by posting some of the odds and ends that I’ve created for my own campaign. Unfortunately most of my home-made stuff is hand-written in spiral notebooks, so I don’t know how frequently I’ll be able to type stuff up…
I hope other GMs find this stuff useful- and feel free to post any similar goodies that you have created for your own campaigns. First up is a collection of ‘ancillary’ gear for low-level NPCs:
“-Now let’s search the bodies!”
How many times has that statement punctuated a combat encounter in Dark Heresy ? Alas, most pregenerated NPC write-ups list only the bare minimum amount of gear appropriate for his or her role, offering players few surprises from a round of looting (and making any scenario-specific clues placed in a dead man’s pockets stand out like a sore thumb). Trying to make up interesting ‘odds and ends’ on the fly to fill out a dead thug’s pockets can also be problematic, bogging down the game and eating into valuable playing time for what usually amounts to trivia.
The following table is intended to provide some quick ‘pocket filler’ items for minor NPCs. This list is generally ‘hive-centric’ and largely focused on laboring classes; not every result may be appropriate for the individual being searched (in terms of either utility or value), in which case the GM should simply ignore the result. Some items might become useful clues in their own right- or effective ‘red herrings’…
01) AUSPEX- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook p.150.
02) AUTO QUILL- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook p.150.
03-05) BACKPACK- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook , p.146; roll 1d5+1 more times for contents, ignoring this result if it occurs again.
06) BAG OF BALL BEARINGS- If dumped on the floor, these cover a 1d2 meter radius; anyone taking more than a single Move Action through the covered area must make a Challenging Agility test or fall.
07-08) BOOK- (roll %) 01-20: Penthrift Dreadful ( Inquisitor’s Handbook p127), 21-40: religious allegory, 41-60: military history, 61-80: local history, 81-99: biography of a famous Imperial hero, 00: a Dismal Text (details should be tailored to the current scenario).
09-11) BOTTLE OF LIQUID- (roll %) 01: This is the Good Stuff- high-end amasec! 02-20: mid-grade alcohol, 21-60: rotgut booze, 61-90: lubricant (mildly toxic; Challenging [+0] Awareness test to tell it’s not booze), 91-00: vermicide (highly toxic; Routine [+20] Awareness test to determine as much). There is a 50% chance the bottle is labeled; d100% of the liquid remains. (See Dark Heresy Gamemaster’s Screen for rules on toxins.)
12-13) BOX OF METAL FASTENERS- These are basic nuts, bolts, and washers.
14-15) CANDLES- 1d5 total, plus an igniter.
16-18) CHANGE OF CLOTHING- 50% chance these are cleaner than the ones being worn.
19-20) CHRONO- (roll %) 01-02: a very fancy gold-plated timepiece (50% chance with an inscription) worth 10x standard, 03-20: high-end model (water-proof, shock-resistant) worth 2x standard, 21-00 a basic model (10% chance it’s broken).
21-25) COGNOMEN- As per Inquisitor’s Handbook p.126; (roll %) 01-90: valid identification card of the bearer, 91-99: counterfeit card with alternate identity, 00: the identification card of a completely different individual.
26-27) COINPURSE- This contains 2d10 Thrones over and above the amount that would normally be carried.
28-30) CORD- 2d10 meters in length.
31) CREDIT SCRIP- Issued by many employers in place of wages, these coupons can be used to make purchases at specific businesses owned by the issuer.
32) CREDIT WAND- a pencil-sized piece of plastek tipped with a datacrystal containing codes to draw from an account at a local financial institution, up to 1d100 Thrones (the amount is also the % chance that a specific cognomen is required to utilize the wand).
33-35) DATASLATE- (roll %) 01-02: Classified information about the local government, 03-40: mind-numbing technical drivel, 41-60: maps of local environs, 61-80: religious sermons, 81-99: pornography, 00: heretical treatise (reading it requires an Ordinary [+10] Willpower test or gain 1 Corruption Point).
36-37) DICE- 5% chance they are loaded, adding +20 to Gambling skill; the modification is noticeable on a Difficult (-10) Awareness test.
38) FILTRATON PLUGS- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook p.147.
39-41) FOOD- (roll %) 01-75: pre-packaged meal (25% chance it’s half-eaten), 76-00: left-overs of a home-cooked meal (10% chance spoiled; if eaten, make a Challenging Toughness test or gain 1 level of Fatigue per degree of failure 1d5 hours later, and lasting 2d10 hours).
42) GAS MASK- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook p.147.
43) GEW-GAW- Something the bearer picked up because “it looked interesting”- a rusted wafer that looks like a face, a bit of congealed chemical waste resembling a gemstone, etc. Usually worthless, there is a 1% chance it actually has some value: roll a d10 for it’s worth in Thrones; on a ‘10’, roll again and add 10 to the result (multiple times if necessary).
44-46) GOGGLES- (roll %) 01-05: count as Good Quality Photo-Visor ( Dark Heresy Rulebook p.147), 06-75: standard darkened lenses (add +20 to Toughness tests to resist damage to eyes), 76-00: simply wind/dust resistant, with no other benefits.
47) HANDKERCHIEF- 75% chance it’s dirty; if used, a Routine (+20) Toughness test must be made or gain 1 level of Fatigue 2d10 hours later. This cold lasts until a Challenging Toughness test is passed- check every 24 hours after symptoms develop.
48) JEWELRY- (roll %) 01: highly valuable, worth 2d10x100 Thrones, 02-10: moderately valuable, worth 1d100x5 Thrones, 11-90: costume jewelry, worth 3d10 Thrones, 91-99: fake, requiring an Ordinary (+10) Appraisal test to spot or be mistaken for being worth 100 Thrones, 00: high-end fake that requires a Difficult (-10) Appraisal test to spot or be mistaken for being worth 1000 Thrones.
49-51) LAMP-PACK- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook p.150; roll % to determine amount of battery life remaining.
52) LASCUTTER- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook p.150.
53-57) LHO-STICKS- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook p.147; 2d10 remaining.
58) LIVE PET- (roll %) 01-35: a tame rodent, 36-50: a not-so-tame rodent, which tries to bite anyone who provokes it (no chance of dealing real damage, but it could be amusing to see how hardened Acolytes try to deal with an enraged rat…), 51-80: a large, harmless arthropod (of course, the PCs won’t know it’s harmless…), 81-98: a small, none-too-smart reptile, 99-00: an exotic species imported from off-world (possibly illegally), worth 2d10x10 Thrones.
59) LOTTERY TICKET- Illegal in most Imperial communities (but rarely prosecuted), secret lotteries usually sell tickets for a Half Throne. There is a 50% chance this ticket is expired; otherwise, a % roll of 01 twice in a row indicates a winner, worth 1d100 Thrones- if you can find the bookmaker who sold the ticket.
60) LUCKY CHARM- This can take a number of forms, from an empty shell casing to a preserved rodent appendage; in any event, there is only a 1% chance it works like an actual Charm ( Dark Heresy Rulebook p. 146).
61-62) MAGNOCULARS- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook p.150; 10% chance they are the high-quality version.
63) MIRKER’S GREAVES- As per Inquisitor’s Handbook , p.125
64-66) MUD TAPE- As per Inquisitor’s Handbook , p.183 (under Tool Kit entry).
67-71) PASSKEY- Accesses (roll %) 01-50: a residence, 51-75: a vehicle, 76-85: a business, 86-99: a storage unit, 00: something illicit (such as a mistress’ residence…).
72) PICT RECORDER- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook p.151; 75% chance it contains previously recorded images.
73-76) PLAYING CARDS- (roll %) 01-10: missing 1d10 cards, 11-99: a standard deck, 00: Heretic’s Wake Deck ( Inquisitor’s Handbook p.122).
77) SALVATION AUGER- As per Inquisitor’s Handbook , p.127; 10% chance it is a superior model.
78-79) SCROLLS- 2d5 total; (roll %) 01-05: star charts, 06-15: floorplans of a building, 16-30: legal contracts, 31-50: transcriptions of depositions, 51-94: Administratum records, 95-99: ‘wanted’ posters, 00: occult ritual.
80) SLITHER BOOTS- As per Inquisitor’s Handbook , p.151.
81-82) SPOOL OF WIRE- 1d10 meters total length.
83-87) TOOLS- (roll %) 01: Combi-Tool ( Dark Heresy Rulebook p.150), 02-10: fine detail tool kit (cannot be used on anything larger than a chrono), 11-90: 1d5 standard tools, 91-00: one heavy duty tool (+20 to Strength tests requiring torque or leverage; can be used as an Improvised Weapon).
88-91) TRANSIT PASS- Allows use of local public transportation system; (roll %) 01-20: good for unlimited rides, 21-00: can only be used on a narrowly defined route.
92-94) TUBE OF ADHESIVE- Sets in 1d5 minutes; requires a Hard (-20) Strength test to pull apart once set.
95) VOLT GLOVES- Thick, insulated gloves for handling high-voltage cables. These provide 2 AP to the Arms and negate Shock effects to the same location, but impose a -10 penalty to any tests that require fine manual dexterity.
96) VOX-CASTER- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook p.151.
97-98) WHISTLE- As per Inquisitor’s Handbook , p.183
99-00) WRITING KIT- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook p.151.
Edited by Adeptus-B