Hi, was wondering if Call of Cthulhu was exclusively a 2 player game? Specifically, is there no solitaire play, cooperative gameplay, or additional players or teams, strictly just 2 player only? If there is anything outside of 1v1 format, what is it and what expansion does it come from? Thanks.
Strictly 1v1 Game?
Well, there are no single-player or cooperative variants, but there are multi-player rules.
You can find the official multi-player rules over at the CoC support page. You don't need any particular expansion to use them.
There are also the noticably better inofficial multi-player rules developed by the Cenacle players.
Have a look at the following thread for a download link and some discussio about them:
You'd be better off with the Mythos CCG, if you are looking for a Lovecraft multiplayer game that also works well solo. Easy to find cheap on ebay.
Edited by Shub-NiggurathThere is a really great custom multiplayer rule set designed by a once hugely strong french community (they are still around btw)
Multiplayer rules by Le Cenacle Chthonien @FFG
You can see their community at Cenacle Forum if you wana say hi!
As far as I know there are no decent solo cthulhu type card games. I am not sure why FFG has not tried to strike again as LoTR is so popular.
oh.. jhaelen beat me to it!
Edited by TragicTheBlatheringI've not tried them myself, but there are some homebrew solitaire variants posted at BoardGameGeek .
there is a pretty cool solo game called " The Cards of Cthulhu " now. it isn't really like a LCG but it is a pretty cool game if your looking for a fun solo game with a lovecraft theme.