Playing Multiple Spells (Securing Dice) After A Roll?

By Vala_Melkor, in Elder Sign

Hi Guys … I've just had a game with my pebs and we came across a question.

PJ had two securing dice spell cards … a single & double … so he rolled his dice and played both spells after his first roll, securing three dice. Was he allowed to do this? Can u play as many spells as u like after a single roll, or only one spell per roll??

Any advice appreciated! … Walts

I think this is perfectly legal. Haven't seen anything in the rules to indicate you can't.

We used the same principle as the clues tokens … u can keep using them till u run out of dice!

Elder Sign Omens allows it.

Well, I think you can use all the spells you want but… can you use them after a succesfull roll or after a failure one?

I would say either way, so long as you had a die to lose if you did not complete a row.

dulepant said:

Well, I think you can use all the spells you want but… can you use them after a succesfull roll or after a failure one?

They can be used to secure dice even after a successful roll. If you look at the example given on page 13 of the revised rules, you have such a case: the terror result is secured even if the final task of the card was completed with the other dice.

TheTurnipKing said:

Elder Sign Omens allows it.

I wouldn't take Omens into account when talking about the boardgame due to changes in some mechanics.