Online Group?

By Rudeboygraves, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Anyone want to play online using video chat or rpgtools and looking for a player?

Depending on times and other factors, I would love to see if I could fit it in.

I am free everyday after 6pm EDT (10pm GMT), on Sundays I am free after 3pm EDT (7pm GMT). My schedule is currently very flexible, however.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Sunday would be best for me, cause on weekdays I would be just getting out of school.

I'd like to join in too… and just about any day… specially weekends are good for me…. mondays/wendsdays are no go for me though….

Sundays work for me as well, as long as it is after 3pm EDT.

I'm surprised that noboby else posted in this thread. How many players would we need to start this?

I would be fine as long as we just had a GM. Also, I probably won't be able to play until around 4pm EDT on Sundays.

So who is gonna run the game if it still a go? I'm no good at GMing… so I'm not an option…..

I've GM'd (well tried to at least) once but all my players quit, and refused to play again… ever. If we did play however, we would need some medium like skype that allows for group calls (without it being necessary for everyone to have the premium service) and that is easy to use.

Also if No One Else will GM, I could (though as I said I am really crappy at it) and the world would not be tailored to the players, there would be opponents better and stronger than you, and others that are far weaker. Just to give it a more realistic feeling (I want to try making a living, breathing world based in the Anima setting).

I have DMed D&D before, but have fairly limited experiece with Anima. I enjoyed it, and would be willing to try. I would say that we would need to have a pre-game talk (or two) via skype so that we know each other and what we want from the gameplay.

There is a nice website called I have used it for DnD and it can be used for anima as well, it gives a nice grid for players and creatures as well as video/voice chat options and both discrete (between a single player and GM) and public dice rolls within the game, I find it very useful. Also if anyone is doing an online anima campaign count me in, i've been looking for something like this forever now. just let me know specifics for character creation and time and dates, also weather it will be weekly or twice a week ect.

Also if i realy have to I can DM i have a nice story i have been working on, It is set in a more steampunk version of Gaia…..

Well why don't we meet up on sunday evening on the site Latoshi provided or on skype and decide the whos and whats of what we are gonna do? Either way I'll have the same username I have here.

Sunday evening would work but what time exactly, and what time zone. Also to get the thing together the GM has to make the campaign and then send the link to the players for them to join

So we should Skype first to figure out who the DM is and what we will be doing for character creation.

Just send me a friend request on the forums, and ill PM you guys my skype.

Would you guys like to have the chat about expectations for the game tomorrow?

As in Saturday or Sunday? and round what time?

As in Saturday, today, maybe at 6pm EDT, 5pm Central, 4pm Mountain, 3pm West Coast time.

I'm on Skype/MSN mesenger now, same name as forum name.

lets try later im tied up atm however you guys can decide dm without me. sorry

Are we going to try to skype today? My account name is the same as here on the forums and the picture is Vegeta.

I know we are level 1 but what is the method for characteristic generation? Oh also starting money.

Latoshi said:

I know we are level 1 but what is the method for characteristic generation? Oh also starting money.

I used method 1. I based starting money off of social class which I rolled for. We get a weapon, but do we also get armor/supplys? Or are supplys provided in the begining story by the DM?

starting money is 70 GC to buy everything, and the stats is point buy 60 points as described in the GM's toolkit