I'm taking up the mantle of Storyteller for Only War and I was looking for feed back or bounce some ideas from the community.

By Darck Child, in Only War

So I've talked to my Players and they would like to be part of a Light Rifle Regiment and they would prefer to be up against Orks

I'm planning on using Stars of Inequitly to build a star system that will be the battle theater for this story.

The idea I have in mind is a Space Hulk has been captured/secured and has been brought back to a Forge World capable of salvaging a ship from the mess. My initial thought was to have the hulk be the staging for Ork raiders that came back to find their base of operations missing and tracking it back to the Forge world.

In the battle to take their base back parts of the hulk became and debris with ork spores reached the forge world. Maybe parts removed also had spores and may have been taken planet side or being restored in the space docks…

With four possible sources for Orks to be a threat (raiders, the space hulk, contimated equipment either on the space station/docks and or the forge world)

My idea is the sytem isn't really that secure, that the orbital station/docks are damaged but still under Imperial control while the Orks have reclaimed the space hulk and now are in the process of taking over one of the main cities on the forge world.

Initially the system defenders thought that they were more than capable with dealing with this threat but as the battle turned into a war with the ork raiders (and feral orks). Worse it looks like one of the orks is powerfull enough to possible turn this into a Waaargh…

The planetary governor/adaptus mechanicus have reluctantly requested aid. Which they got with a couple of Deathwatch kill teams. While the kill teams have arrived and after assessing the situation they have recommended the Imperial Guard be brought in to bolster the defenses of the contested forge world…

Department of Munitorium have dispatched available regiments to the area and have pressed several near by systems to send freshly founded regiments to the war zone

I see lots of potential from defending the forge world or other nearby planets to talking back the hulk or planets currently under the control of orks…

Am I over thinking this? Should I simplify it to simply a waargh threatening a forge world? What are your thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks for taking the time to read this and any replies are much appreciated,

Darck Child

Looks good to me, you have an upcoming waagh threatening af planet (possibly the entire system), the rest is pretty much mission/adventure hooks and background.

The only thing that itches me is that they send multiple Kill Teams from the Deathwatch, id probably lower it to one Kill Team, as i dont think one world warrants more than one kill team.

Bassemandrh said:

Looks good to me, you have an upcoming waagh threatening af planet (possibly the entire system), the rest is pretty much mission/adventure hooks and background.

The only thing that itches me is that they send multiple Kill Teams from the Deathwatch, id probably lower it to one Kill Team, as i dont think one world warrants more than one kill team.

Yeah having more than one seems like over kill, I'll have it that a kill team has been dispatched to the planet.

I appreciate your reply. Thanks :)

Is it plossible for the chain of events as I initially penned?

sounds good

the event chain makes sense and for those who care complies to cannon as far as i can tell

Nightcloak said:

sounds good

the event chain makes sense and for those who care complies to cannon as far as i can tell

Thanks for the feedback :)