Looking for online beginner game

By Fiachra, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Looking to play Star Wars Edge of the Empire beginners game.
Have the game but when I do eventually get a chance to run through it with some friends (probably next winter) I know I will get stuck with being GM.
Never played a pen & paper RPG (spent plenty of time playing them on PC) and would really like to get a chance to play through and experience the beginner scenario and story included in the game as a player before seeing the story and spoilers as GM which I have no interest in being anyway.
I am GMT but am used to working around EST as well so am open to organizing a game around any time zone.
If anyone looking for a player let me know, also posted on FFG Virtual RPG boards here http://www.p-mi.com/prediger/roleplaying/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=49

Welcome to the hobby.

I'm looking at putting a play by post game together in a few weeks (not sure how that'll turn out, but might as well try). I'm just shoipping around for the game, since I don't have any stores close by. I have someone who can help me get material prepped, but I want to wait until the game arrives before starting.

If you're interested, head over to RPOL.net, where I will likely be running the game. The game won't be up for a few weeks, but you can get a feel for the site in the meantime.

You could also look for players online or run your own game online! That's basically where I am headed to since I can't find players in the boonies I live in.



Oops, I replied to the wrong thread :) . Well Frachia, I also realized you came to our virtual board, so don't worry, we can discuss to set-up another one pff game in a couple weeks. I am happy to run the BB adventure several times to learn the system.

I am doing act 2 of the game intro quest today if your interested over skype. My sn is lordyagyu, the wookiee the smuggler and mathus the technician are already taken. But your welcome to join us, i dont have an official time today its kinda once everyone in my group is together but yeah your welcome to join us if u wanna hang around on skype we can get u a character set up

today is 4/7/13 and the session will likely be sometime this evening


Hi I've tried to contact you on the Roll20 site. I'm very interested in giving this RP a go. I've purchased the BB and I'm awaiting it's arrival with great anticipation. Let me know if you plan to run this again!

Hey dhrocks,

I am planning to run the BB again somewhat end of April, and will soon post about it here and on Roll20. We had fun last time, and it ran very fast.



I am looking to start a play by e-mail game starter game. Anyone else interested?

I'm also looking for a group to jump on and try the beginner game with. I have the game, so I don't mind GMing or RPing (as I've done neither) and I have no experience with d20/google hangouts. This will be a very newbie experience for me, but I want to join up with some other players and get this started (I've had the game for 2 weeks and haven't played a game yet). I have Skype, but I'd need to sign up fro google hangout.