Dealing damage vs HP

By Pitrix, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Can you deal more damage to a unit than it's hit points?
For example Sorcerer of Tzeentch card says:
Action: When you play a development from your hand, put a resource token on this unit. Then, deal X damage to target unit. X is the number of resource tokens on this unit.
So if I have 4 resources on it and the opponent has 1 hit point unit, can I deal 4 damage to it?
Same thing with Plague Bomb, if an opponent has 3 units, each with 1 hit point. Can I still play this card and deal 1, 2 and 3 damage to those units?

Yes, to all question. But pay attention to indirect damage, these damage are different, you can't deal more indirect damage to a unit then his HP.

Thanks for quick clarification:-)