Need Help Disassembling an Axis Transport

By rwwingate, in Dust Tactics

I apologize if this subject has come up before but I couldn't find it with a google search. Typically I've just painted my dust walkers in the main sub-assemblies they come in out of the box. But with the open troop area and all of the spaced armor I want to try and disassemble the model (or at least the upper "vehicle" module) and do a proper paint job.

I'm looking for real world feedback on debonding the factory glue on the model. I've seen a number of posts recomending lots of potenital solvents (simple green, purple power, brake fluid, acetone etc). I've even seen a post recomending you freeze the model to make the glue brittle. While I appreciate helpful advice, I'm really looking for feedback from people who've actually tried it and how it worked. Did it actually debond the glue? Did it attack the plastic? I really don't care about the factory paint, just the glue.
