I have heard that there is to be a 2nd Edition out this year. Is this true? If so, does anyone have more details about it and the starter kit?
2nd Edition?
Yes, The only details about it so far are that it will feature a comprehensive rulebook and some minor tweaks
Good news that there will be a book with all the current rules/skills etc in one place. I would imagine that the rule tweaks will cover the clarifications found in the FAQs and hopefully some more like grouping weaponry into class to sort out the whole grenade weapon and artillery reload business.
It would be great if they released exclusive units for the box set as before, maybe covering the new faction and one other existing one (SSU I suppose).
I'm new to these forums by the way, so hello to all the players here
Apart from the slew of embarrasing unit card errors and some nebulous rule descriptions, the game rocks hard. As an old school BattleTech player this game is a breath of fresh (and much faster paced) air for me and my long time gamer buddy.
Stryc9 said:
Good news that there will be a book with all the current rules/skills etc in one place. I would imagine that the rule tweaks will cover the clarifications found in the FAQs and hopefully some more like grouping weaponry into class to sort out the whole grenade weapon and artillery reload business.
It would be great if they released exclusive units for the box set as before, maybe covering the new faction and one other existing one (SSU I suppose).
I'm new to these forums by the way, so hello to all the players here
Apart from the slew of embarrasing unit card errors and some nebulous rule descriptions, the game rocks hard. As an old school BattleTech player this game is a breath of fresh (and much faster paced) air for me and my long time gamer buddy.
I do not know if I am the only one, but I am not a fan of Exclusives.
CDAT said:
I do not know if I am the only one, but I am not a fan of Exclusives.
I'm not a fan, either. Having to purchase multiple Revised Core Sets if you just want, say, some more Sturmpionere squads is very annoying.
If they must have exclusive units, at least make them crappy (like, oh, every Allied unit in the Revised Core Set) so there's little pressure to buy multiple sets…
Well it has to be said that there is probably no unit worthy of doubling up on in the Revised Core Set at all compared to what can be found outside of it.
After all it's not like it includes the Zombies and the Grim Reapers, or any Kill Commandoes or Heavy Recon Grenadiers, units I'd typically think of doubling up on. The two included light walkers have a limited deployment profile and you'd be better off fielding two Heinrichs or two Wildfires anyway.
Really? I think that the Heavy Flak Grenadiers, Heavy Laser Grenadiers, and Sturmpionere are all worth (at least) doubling up on.
The Heavy Flaks have a few advantages over the Heavy Recons, like being able to damage Type 4 infantry and Type 3 vehicles.
The Heavy Laser Grenadiers are more easily replaced by the Laser-Jagds now, but the Laser-Jagds weren't always available.
And the Sturmpionere are the only FAST unit that the Axis have with range.
Also, my understanding is that the Hans is actually quite desirable in Dust Warfare.
Yeah, nearly every unit in the Revised Core is fantastic and definitely are worth multiples. Blackhawk maybe the only exception and the heroes obviously.
On the allied side, I'm not really much of a fan of any unit other than the Hell Boys.
Loophole Master said:
On the allied side, I'm not really much of a fan of any unit other than the Hell Boys.
Yeah, and I find even the Hell Boys a little over priced. Swapping out the BBQ Squad's Demo Charges for a second Flamethrower should be an even trade--it shouldn't cost 4 more points!
But I don't think its a good idea to make them all bad units either. Then there is no point to get the 2nd set at all. I liketo think of them as more expensive campaign sets. With more units.
The hammer and black hawk are pretty underpowered. But Hell Boy is fun and Death Dealer aren't bad. Rhino is pretty decent. But Lara is broken…So
Which units are 'worth' doubling up on is a pretty sujective thing really. Aside from the actual stats on the card, it all depends on how the player tends to like to play out his games with a particular build.
In light of that, I'd like to revise my previous statement claiming there were no units worth doubling up on in The Revised Core Set. There most certainly is stuff worth doubling up on, just not for me at this time.
The Sturmpionere was mentioned before on account of their ranged attack with Fast combo for Axis, and after last nights game I can say they are a dangerous squad, bursting out of nowhere, knocking out one of my Pounders and killing an adjacent Heavy Armour squad in one activation.