The "Official" fan Created Topic?

By Admiral Ren, in UFS Off Topic

Well, looks like some users are sad that the fan section isn't here. So, why don't give a try into a regular topic? cool.gif

I'll gladly repost my KoF XI set for the new site, once we get a place to put it. It is technically on-topic, but off-topic at the same time. Should I just post it in this sub forum?

Ender Dragon said:

I'll gladly repost my KoF XI set for the new site, once we get a place to put it. It is technically on-topic, but off-topic at the same time. Should I just post it in this sub forum?

Right now, this is the only solution i found preocupado.gif

Considering the wasted 30 minutes trying to copy pasta from Word, I'll hold off on re-posting my KoF XI set. Maybe the forums will allow the pasta in time.

its..strange. maybe you could try to put it on a free hosting thing or random blog, then tinyurl it. it worked to link my trade topic in my sig (and pics as well)

I'm no good with url's and the like. I wish I had the proper programs to take card templates and make cards for my KoF XI set.

all you need is photoshop. it must not be that hard to get

The free version of Photoshop sucks and the regular one costs way too much for me to use it just to make some cards.

looks for the secret passage :P

2 person topics FTW!

What free version of Photoshop are you using anyways? I use the free version of CS2, and it seems just fine for me. ^^;