Brotherhood Without Banners

By Jajord, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

i am thinking about making a brotherhood without banners deck. for one reason i have read 2 books/ watched 2 seasons and they seem like there gonna be gusy that i really like in book/ season 3. second they look like a really powerful and shananagainsy deck if you play the bwb agenda and have Beric Donderian and all outher cards from the bwb expantion cycle. so i guess my questions would be if anyone has made a good deck for them and how they play. also would be some vunerabilitys they would have. also any outher cards i should put into that deck that would complament them, events, atachments, suport charitcters etc. i was also thinking of running them in a Barathion deck.

so give me some thoughts. keep i mind ive only read 2 books and seen episode one of season 3 so lets keep out those spoilers please

Jajord said:

i am thinking about making a brotherhood without banners deck. for one reason i have read 2 books/ watched 2 seasons and they seem like there gonna be gusy that i really like in book/ season 3. second they look like a really powerful and shananagainsy deck if you play the bwb agenda and have Beric Donderian and all outher cards from the bwb expantion cycle. so i guess my questions would be if anyone has made a good deck for them and how they play. also would be some vunerabilitys they would have. also any outher cards i should put into that deck that would complament them, events, atachments, suport charitcters etc. i was also thinking of running them in a Barathion deck.

so give me some thoughts. keep i mind ive only read 2 books and seen episode one of season 3 so lets keep out those spoilers please

As far as the card game goes, Martell is the go-to house for this agenda and it's characters, as it is very, to coin a M:tG phrase, "red deck wins". But, no matter what house you include it in, keep an eye on your meta and how many people are running Milk of the Poppy, Nightmares, Meera Reed, etc. if you're gonna rely on "build-a Beric" (as we call it in our meta), so you can try and defend against it and keep your essential characters on the board.