i am thinking about making a brotherhood without banners deck. for one reason i have read 2 books/ watched 2 seasons and they seem like there gonna be gusy that i really like in book/ season 3. second they look like a really powerful and shananagainsy deck if you play the bwb agenda and have Beric Donderian and all outher cards from the bwb expantion cycle. so i guess my questions would be if anyone has made a good deck for them and how they play. also would be some vunerabilitys they would have. also any outher cards i should put into that deck that would complament them, events, atachments, suport charitcters etc. i was also thinking of running them in a Barathion deck.
so give me some thoughts. keep i mind ive only read 2 books and seen episode one of season 3 so lets keep out those spoilers please