I bought the game years ago and flipped through it and always thought it looked awesome but have only now had the chance to start getting a group together to play. Reading the character creation chapter in more detail, I can't seem to figure out what the "Accumulation Multiple" listed in each class actually stands for. Their own example of character creation makes no mention of it and it isn't listed in the glossary. What am I missing? Thanks!
New to the game with a question…
The accumulation multiple is how many dp it takes to increase ki accumulation. For instance if I am an shadow with 10 in every stat. I can accumulate 2 ki points per turn per accumulation stat(str, dex, agi, con, willpower, power) or 12 per turn. If I invest an accumulation multiple in dex, then I accumulate 3 dex ki per turn and 2 in every other stat.
This is useful if I have a technique that costs me 3 dex ki points, because it allows me to get the technique out in a single turn without burning any fatigue.
here you can enjoy a community-made project that has a character creation guide with a few examples of characters using (mostly) the core book.
Thanks, that guide was very helpful! I have all the books through Arcana Exxet; I just need to read through them all.
if you have any other questions, feel free to ask, or head over to http://cipher-studios.com/AnimaBB/index.php for the official Anima forums.
I've a question about final stats of a +15 Monofilament weapon… the reason i'm asking this is they are said to be quality weapons in order to move and damage the way they do…. They are said to be +5 just in order to do what they do…. so …
Q1. when you make one does it have to start as a +5 weapon.
Q2. even if it is not a +5 is it considered to start with the base stats?
Q3. Base reason is asuming it can be made with +15 what are the stats of such a weapon …
Q4. Related question. Latent blood ability (page 80) natural weapons. .. if you chose say HAIR and you manage to get MonoFilament weapons what would or could the stats be for something like that??? And could it be used together?
MonoFilament Weapons |
base damage 60 special Speed +20
prim attack type cut Sec. Attack Type : Thrust
Breakage 2 Fortitude:20 Required str 4 Presence: 80
special: almost invisible, Perforator, Distance Attack, Block, Two handed Complex, Trapping
Almost Invisible: Hard to see. Defending character must pass a notice check of Very Diff. Or suffer Partial blindness to Defence. If the defender don't reach at least an average check then the penalty is (Complete Blindness.) Defender usese search, both Difficulties are reduced by 2 degrees. Defender can make new check each turn, and once passed, he can perceive the filaments for the rest of the combat.(eliminating the blindness penalties).
Quality: are Necessarily weapons of Exceptional quality, the basic monofilament weapon is considered to be +5 quality
Special Equipment
For each +5 to a weapon adds:
+5 to attack and block abilities
+5 to speed
+10 to its damage
+50 to its presence
+5 to its Breakage
+10 to its fortittude
-1 to the AT used by the defender
1) A Monofiliment weapon HAS to have a quality of at least +5. The bonuses for quality are added to the stats given in the book.
After looking back, I am not so sure about if it has to be a +5 or it is considered a +5. In this case, I ruled that it had to be a +5.
2) It has to be at least +5.
3) Base Damage 90, Speed +35, Breakage 17, Fortitude 50, Presence 230, along with the other bonuses given to it in its description and by quality.
on to question 4… could Natural weapon "blood legacy" (Hair), and Cancer:monofilament work together as a weapon or abilty… what stats would that look like, and would it be used more as the monofilament or as the natural weapon or some sort of mix between.?? and or would you recomend that a user of such have presence extrusion or be ok to use it if they simply had the blood legacy?
I, personally, would never allow a player to combine those two. As a part of your body, I see no way for a humans natural hair to ever have a Quality bonus.
I have one thing to change. After extensivly looking over the ruling of Cancer again, the item has to be of +5 quality. Furthermore, the Quality bonuses for a +5 weapon have already been added into the original stats of Cancer.
Nurddude said:
I have one thing to change. After extensivly looking over the ruling of Cancer again, the item has to be of +5 quality. Furthermore, the Quality bonuses for a +5 weapon have already been added into the original stats of Cancer.
Ok, So the first quality that would have any effect on the stats would be something that is a +10, then anything better would lead to two item bonuses.
So Not hair then Blood. Have you seen the anime Deadman Wonderland. I'm not really careing of the actual weapon in question just the pg. 80 Natural Weapons being able to be used as a Monofilament Weapon. I'm working on finding any normal way that I could use (one with the other) before I completely abaondon the ("you can do anything you really want/ dream of doing with in reason").
BTW, thanks for your input.
If you really want to use your hair, look at the official forum. I saw some people having the idea to have oils and other elements to strengthen you hair to be usable with Cancer.
well Nurddude, in the dominus exxet one of the examples of weapons for cancer it gives is the users own hair. So at that point it may be hard to say weather or not it HAS to be a +5 quality bonus but as with any RPG the GM is the final arbiter in that decision. As for combining the natural weapons bloodline, I find that irrelavent becuase immediatly upon using your natural weapon (hair) in combination with cancer it would adopt the weapon characteristics of cancer and loose what bonuses it had as your natural weapons. But this is my ruling as a GM in anima.
Latoshi said:
well Nurddude, in the dominus exxet one of the examples of weapons for cancer it gives is the users own hair. So at that point it may be hard to say weather or not it HAS to be a +5 quality bonus but as with any RPG the GM is the final arbiter in that decision. As for combining the natural weapons bloodline, I find that irrelavent becuase immediatly upon using your natural weapon (hair) in combination with cancer it would adopt the weapon characteristics of cancer and loose what bonuses it had as your natural weapons. But this is my ruling as a GM in anima.
So you would suggest that using one or the other is fine, but the player would have to choose which qualities they wanted to use…. (Example ;Choose cancer, or choose natural weapon. ) Takes me to next question with sundering/breaking…. Eventually players will find them selves in a situation where weapon is broken by oponent or using it against something that causes it to break, ish…. IF the hair is broken could they reinvest the Ki expenditure in Natural weapon to in effect Regrow it or will it be more along the lines of sorry…. split ends can be a b1%@# you'll have to wait till it regrows. I know health comes back at a rate and blood so fast too, but what to do with something like hair?? Thoughts???
Bleakheart26 said:
So you would suggest that using one or the other is fine, but the player would have to choose which qualities they wanted to use…. (Example ;Choose cancer, or choose natural weapon. ) Takes me to next question with sundering/breaking…. Eventually players will find them selves in a situation where weapon is broken by oponent or using it against something that causes it to break, ish…. IF the hair is broken could they reinvest the Ki expenditure in Natural weapon to in effect Regrow it or will it be more along the lines of sorry…. split ends can be a b1%@# you'll have to wait till it regrows. I know health comes back at a rate and blood so fast too, but what to do with something like hair?? Thoughts???
I am sure I have answered this exact question before, either here or on the other Anima forum, but I guess I will again. Firstly let me say that I do believe this is ultimately up to the GM to decide.
As for my opinion on the matter. I will start with saying that in the description for Natural Weapons that most of them are hidden from view when not in use and have to decide to manifest them to use them. Given that, in the case of Hair as the weapon, their hair would be normal until specifically using it as a weapon, and thus if it was broken it seems simple enough that it would simply count as no longer manifesting it and all that is required is to re-manifest it to re-grow the hair. (Just letting you know that my opinion on this is specifically in relation to HAIR as being the natural weapon, and it could work completely different with somthing else.)
Althernatively, growing hair is linked partially to regeneration rate, well more specifically cell division, so it is reasonable to assume that with higher regeneration rates your hair could grow faster too.
Black-Fox said:
I am sure I have answered this exact question before, either here or on the other Anima forum, but I guess I will again. Firstly let me say that I do believe this is ultimately up to the GM to decide.
As for my opinion on the matter. I will start with saying that in the description for Natural Weapons that most of them are hidden from view when not in use and have to decide to manifest them to use them. Given that, in the case of Hair as the weapon, their hair would be normal until specifically using it as a weapon, and thus if it was broken it seems simple enough that it would simply count as no longer manifesting it and all that is required is to re-manifest it to re-grow the hair. (Just letting you know that my opinion on this is specifically in relation to HAIR as being the natural weapon, and it could work completely different with somthing else.)
Althernatively, growing hair is linked partially to regeneration rate, well more specifically cell division, so it is reasonable to assume that with higher regeneration rates your hair could grow faster too.
Thanks for your responce, and I appologies for haveing you repeat it from some earlyer time. I could see it agrued ether way but generally try to stick with original game rules. Sadly there is a lot in the english version that seem openended or mistranslated. Still TY again.