Here is my questions about the rules of Descent base game:
1. Rest is allowed in town for heroes, which is stated in the most updated FAQ. But how about drinking potion? Is drinking potion allowed in town?
2. In page 17 of the rule book, there is the following words about glyph:
"A hero may only use a glyph once per turn—he may not use a glyph to go to town and then return, or vice versa."
Does it mean if a hero uses a glyph to go to town, he can't use any glyph, even it is not the same as the original one,
to return to dungeon in the same turn? Or it just means if a hero uses a glyph to go to town, he can't use the same glyph
to return to dungeon in the same turn; but he may use another glyph to return to dungeon in the same turn?
Thanks for your kindly help