Proxies for Relic Busts

By talismanisland, in Relic

Some of you will know that I like to tinker, and I have already made some files to make cardboard tokens for those of us that are not blessed with skills as a painter.

However, Games Workshop make such a large range of minis for the 40K universe that I figured getting a few 28mm figures to proxy would be a reasonable project, though probably not the cheapest option.

Below is an image with various minis selected from the GW store. Does anyone have any other ideas for some of the minis that are not quite right? Especially the Rogue Trader that GW don't seem to do any more…

Right click and save the image for a larger version…


I understood that Inquisitor models were 54mm?

talismanisland said:

I understood that Inquisitor models were 54mm?

Yep, theres some very nice models in that range but they would be huge on the table.