Louisville Tournament at Something2Do :: Friday, April 6 at 6:30PM!

By Kaine82, in CoC Organized Play


Something2Do has a league kit and we're going to make good use of it! Come play with a bunch of beginners with vastly varing card pools fo awesome Lovecraftian swag!


Friday, April 5

Registration begins at 5:30 pm.
Tournament begins at 6:30 pm.

Something 2 Do - google directions
Oxmoor Center
7900 Shelbyville Road
Louisville, Kentucky 40222


RSVP at Cardboard Gamers' Meetup Site or on Facebook!



We had 4 people show up to our first tournament, not a bad start! We are thinking of moving it to Wednesday in the future. Let me know if this would work better for any of you!

Louisville call of Cthulhu LCG cardboard gamers

Where were you guys this past saturday for the regionals tourney!? I thought we'd see you there. We ended up with 7, it would have been nice to had more. :-( Maybe next time we will see you guys there.

I had itended to be there with my son, but it happened to fall on my parents anniversary, killing my babysiiter for my younger son.

This summer I want to have a weekily Wednesday Cthulhu Meetup. Would you be able to make it?