Amphib Assault question

By pendrag2k, in Dust

I bought Dust about 2 weeks ago and have played 3 times so far. An incident came up today that seemed confusing. I had a battle force stationed on a coastal area that included two bombers. Additionally, I had 4 subs adjacent to the same sea area that the bombers could attack. Two enemy subs were occupying that sea area. I had played a card with 3 movements and two combats.

It seemed to me that I should have been able to use my special bomber attack to attack the the enemy submarines, then, having cleared the sea zone, move my subs in to enable an amphibious attack on the coastal area opened up. I would have burned a combat point with the bomber attack, but I would not have risked my subs. Yes, technically this would require a movement during the combat phase, but it seemed logical to me that it "should" be that way.

I ended up taking the enemy subs out with my subs and then attacking with my force, but I wonder if anyone else has had this come up and what you did to resolve it.

Another more minor question came up as well- if all units occupying a production center are destroyed before counterattack (due to tactical superiority) does the center get to roll it's bonus dice in response?

Thanks in advance.


When I read the rules, I don't remember seeing anything that had the ability to attack subs except for other subs in adjacent sea zones.

I'm a bit foggy as it's been a while since I read the rules, and I've never actually played it yet.

pendrag2k said:

I had a battle force stationed on a coastal area that included two bombers. Additionally, I had 4 subs adjacent to the same sea area that the bombers could attack. Two enemy subs were occupying that sea area. I had played a card with 3 movements and two combats.

It seemed to me that I should have been able to use my special bomber attack to attack the the enemy submarines, then, having cleared the sea zone, move my subs in to enable an amphibious attack on the coastal area opened up. I would have burned a combat point with the bomber attack, but I would not have risked my subs. Yes, technically this would require a movement during the combat phase, but it seemed logical to me that it "should" be that way.

1st thingie though it seemed logical it was incorrect. As you noted you made a movement there with you subs and that's not allowed in the Combat Phase. The whole situation would be possible (according to the rules) if you attacked the enemy subs with your own subs thus sezing the target sea zone which would allow you to make an amphibious attack afterwards (a risky thing but affordable I presume).

The game is constructed in such a manner that players need to plan their movements, force positioning and attacks that they would be like an avelanche. One thing would cause others.

pendrag2k said:

Another more minor question came up as well- if all units occupying a production center are destroyed before counterattack (due to tactical superiority) does the center get to roll it's bonus dice in response?

2nd question (imo) should be "no". The tactical superiority allows you to attack first and if you destroy all the defenders then thers no one to operate the factory defences.

Hope this helps and you get to like the game as much as I do :)

LeBlanc13 said:

When I read the rules, I don't remember seeing anything that had the ability to attack subs except for other subs in adjacent sea zones.

There is a special rules section at the end of the rule book(s) which details the bomber special attack which allows you to destroy subs in adjacent sea zones (and the subs are not allowed to strike back - they are bombed).

There is also another special attack which allows the subs to attack (use long-range guns - since it's not only the subs but a whole group of navy ships) to attack adjacent costal locations (and there is also no response - since the target doesn't know where the attack comes from excacly).

And how come you haven't yet played the game mate? It's great! :)

I don't have the rules in front of me...but I thought you could "attack" an empty region. The advantage of moving is that you can move more than one region along a continuous chain, and that you could not move into an empty region.

zelbone said:

I don't have the rules in front of me...but I thought you could "attack" an empty region. The advantage of moving is that you can move more than one region along a continuous chain, and that you could not move into an empty region.

You can never declare an attack against an empty zone. I thought the same thing at first, but one of the last lines under combat states this fact.

If you can use those empty regions wisely then you can paralize your opponent's progress!