I bought Dust about 2 weeks ago and have played 3 times so far. An incident came up today that seemed confusing. I had a battle force stationed on a coastal area that included two bombers. Additionally, I had 4 subs adjacent to the same sea area that the bombers could attack. Two enemy subs were occupying that sea area. I had played a card with 3 movements and two combats.
It seemed to me that I should have been able to use my special bomber attack to attack the the enemy submarines, then, having cleared the sea zone, move my subs in to enable an amphibious attack on the coastal area opened up. I would have burned a combat point with the bomber attack, but I would not have risked my subs. Yes, technically this would require a movement during the combat phase, but it seemed logical to me that it "should" be that way.
I ended up taking the enemy subs out with my subs and then attacking with my force, but I wonder if anyone else has had this come up and what you did to resolve it.
Another more minor question came up as well- if all units occupying a production center are destroyed before counterattack (due to tactical superiority) does the center get to roll it's bonus dice in response?
Thanks in advance.