AGOT Joust Regional: Salzburg (Austria) - 23rd June

By thorondor, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

23rd of June 2013, 11 a.m.

A Game of Thrones LCG Joust Regional

In this tournament the full LCG card pool is legal, up to and including any CP, that is released and available in Europe by Monday June 8th. An announcement regarding the tournament legal card pool will be made around that time.

Cards in all languages will be legal at the tournament, as long as they are part of the legal card pool. In case of a difference in card text, the English version will take precedence.

The latest FAQ version, including restricted/banned lists, and the latest version of the Tournament Rules apply.


We'll have the FFG Regional Prize kit available. We'll also have some extra prizes, maybe once more an original art piece by Franz Miklis. Every participant will receive a prize.

The winner of this tournament will get a first round bye at the European Championships at Castle Stahleck in November.

Admission Fee:

€ 15,-.


Wiener Bundesstrasse 33

5300 Hallwang bei Salzburg



There is the option of staying at the site where we are playing at for free. Contact then (and don’t forget your sleeping bag).

If you prefer to stay in a hotel nearby, you can go to


If you wish to participate, or if you have any questions, please contact Wolfgang “thorondor” Penetsdorfer at

as a side event during the Regional weekend we will play another tournament the day before:

22nd of June 2013, 13 p.m.

German Pool Tournament:

The cardpool for this tournament is limited to sets released in German. Currently these are:

Game of Thrones - Der Eiserne Thron Grundspiel (Core Set)

Die Könige der See (Kings of the Sea)

Die Prinzen der Sonne (Princes of the Sun)

Die Herren des Winters (Lords of Winter)

Die Könige des Sturms (Kings of the Storm)

Die Königin der Drachen (Queen of Dragons)

Die Löwen des Felsens (Lions of the Rock)

Any sets made available in German by June 8th will also be legal for the tournament. An announcement regarding the tournament legal card pool will be made around that time.

Cards in all languages will be legal at the tournament, as long as they are part of the legal card pool. In case of a difference in card text, the English version will take precedence.

Please note that no cards from the CCG era are legal in this tournament!

Proxies are not allowed in this tournament

The latest FAQ version, including restricted/banned lists, and the latest version of the Tournament Rules apply.


We'll have 1 FFG Game Night Kits available. also some Early Bird German CPs from Song of the Sea. and more stuff. Every participant will receive a prize.

The first and second placed players in this tournament will win a berth at the German Championship in September.

Admission Fee:

Will depend on the number of participants, but should be in the area of € 5,-.

Card Pool for the Regional on 23rd June:

alle CPs released including A Turn of the Tide (so Captians Command is not legal!)

i can confirm that Franz Miklis will be there on Sunday evening.

moreover, the winner of the Regional will receive an original artwork done by Franz for one of the AGOT cards.