Northern Wastes

By Barakudas, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

The question is when I have this card in play (or the other racial versions of it) and I play a developement, do I have to sacrifice Northern Wastes?

Northern Wastes
Chaos Support
1 Cost (1 Loyalty)
1 Power
If you control a non-Chaos card, sacrifice this card.


no, according to the new FAQ, only if you control a unit or support that are not of the same race.
For example, a rush deck that plays: Veteran Sellswords, destroys you these supports, a disaster… :(

Finally got a chance to more thouroughly read through the FAQ 2.0. Too bad the answer to this question wasn't with the card errata. To my wonderment the answer was in there, just in the general section.

All instances of “If you control a non-
[faction] card…” should read “If you
control a faceup non-[faction] unit or
support card…”

So that solves that issue. Wish they would have put the answer with the card errata for the cycle. Seems more relevant to that with the cycle notes or add in the text for all six of the cards.

Follow-up questions:

1) If my opponent plays Pleasure Cults on me do I have to sacrifice my Northern Wastes?

Play in any opponent's zone, under his control. Units enter this zone corrupted. Forced: Put 1 resource token on this card at the beginning of your turn if a unit is questing here. Then, you may remove 2 resource tokens from this card to destroy this card.

2) What happens to Northern Wastes if I play Evil Alliance? What is it that makes a card a chaos card? Is it the color of the card, the presence of the loyalty symbol, or having a loyalty cost?


1) I think you already found the answer in the FAQ ;)

2) the banners and alliance cards have a grey background so they are neutral supports and so they will sacrifice your wastes.

I definetly agree on the first point. This gives the even more incentive to include the invasion cards into decks to help destroy the new cards in the vein of Northern Wastes.

So these cards are looking for the color of the card? A very odd follow up to this then is can I have a different capital board than Chaos and keep Northern Wastes in play?

Barakudas said:

I definetly agree on the first point. This gives the even more incentive to include the invasion cards into decks to help destroy the new cards in the vein of Northern Wastes.

Actually, no. It says only support or unit cards count in the FAQ.

The FAQ states that support or unit cards that do not have the same loyalty will destroy the new racial villages. A quest such as Pleasure Cults that is played into one of your zones will not destroy your racial villages.

Barakudas said:

…can I have a different capital board than Chaos and keep Northern Wastes in play?

Yes, but if you play any unit or support card that does not have chaos loyalty…you will have to sac your Northern Wastes.

Thanks guys, reading is hard some times :)