Hi there! I've finally decided to play Dust Tactics. Now stocks are really limited here in our country so I would like to maximize my purchase. Is there a database of sorts of all units available? I would really appreciate all the help I can get here. Thanks!
Unit Database Availability
Here's all the cards if that's what you are after: http://portlanddusttactics.blogspot.co.uk/p/unit-cards_23.html
I would stick to miniature market if you want to know what is avaliable rigt now, their site is pretty much up to date so far.
Major Mishap said:
Here's all the cards if that's what you are after: http://portlanddusttactics.blogspot.co.uk/p/unit-cards_23.html
thanks for this link. very helpful indeed.
I have a google doc spread sheet with all the units, item numbers, and point values.