so i finished off my first campaign and was a little disappointed!
The Mage just melted through Gryvorn with 2 Attacks. (played Landrec/Runemaster and i even 1 objective Token). Well but i guess that happens.
nevertheless - some questions occured 2 me that id like to get an answer 2 =)
1) tokens treated as herofigueres give me some problems: if they are treated as hero figuers are they also treated as heroes?
if thats the case i could throw sir palamon with an ettin, overpower him with sir alric farrow, but a knight could also "defend" him, aint?
2) some tokens treated as hero figueres have a stamina of 0. does that mean, i could play words of misery, and hit cardinal koth (i believe he had 0 stamina) to do extra damage on him (since they cant suffer any more fatigue)? - are other tokens treated as herofigures ALSO vulnerable 2 fatiguedamage?
3) some question me and my group couldnt rly answer was the following situation: a hero with full stamina (fatigue up 2 his stamina cap) stands nearby a master monster cave spider and intends 2 move away from her. web now reads, that he MUST spend 1 fatigue 2 move. is this fatigue spent willently (in which case he couldnt declare the movement since he cannot suffer fatigue over his cap), or forced, in which case he would receive 1 fatiguedamage in form of a hearttoken.
ty all for ur helpfullness *krawallbuerste