Two-weapon fighting?

By TalkingMuffin, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I don't have my copy of the Beta yet, so I was hoping somebody could tell me how fighting with two-weapons works, if at all. Thanks!

I don't have the book with me now, but from memory:

- increase the difficulty of the base attack by one, or two if you use weapons with different skills (like a blaster in one hand and a vibro-sword in the other)

- if you want to be able to hit several targets, you must use the hardest base difficulty (before increasing it as above)

- if you hit, you can spend advantages to have another hit with the same damage on the same target or another (I think that it's 2 advantages for the additionnal hit).

Hum, I'm starting to wonder if I'm not mistaking with the auto-fire rules, can someone else confirm ?

Luckily, this was in the latest update. You are correct, sir! Thank you.

jtrowell said:

I don't have the book with me now, but from memory:

- increase the difficulty of the base attack by one, or two if you use weapons with different skills (like a blaster in one hand and a vibro-sword in the other)

- if you want to be able to hit several targets, you must use the hardest base difficulty (before increasing it as above)

- if you hit, you can spend advantages to have another hit with the same damage on the same target or another (I think that it's 2 advantages for the additionnal hit).

Hum, I'm starting to wonder if I'm not mistaking with the auto-fire rules, can someone else confirm ?

No, I think you're spot on. They did a good job of homogenizing the multiattack rules (two-weapon fighting, auto-fire, linked fire), so its fine to get them confused, since its the same thing.

It took a looooooooot of pushing on the devs at the end of beta, but they finally did it and I think its a great change.


Our converted Saga group did its first game with EoE a weekago the duel wielding pistoleer bodguard/hired gun tore several henchman a new one.

Actually seemed a bit too easy at short range and maybe even medium. I think might have to houserule adding an upgraded difficulty die in there + the extra purple

Diggles said:

Actually seemed a bit too easy at short range and maybe even medium. I think might have to houserule adding an upgraded difficulty die in there + the extra purple

It is something natural. It happened to me also when I started playing Warhammer 3. These games have a very high succeess probability.