It is a trilogy, after all! I've not long finished the first book and loved it, but I don't want to embark on the second quite yet if there's going to be a long wait before the third…
Any news on book 3?
Yeah, the lack of any news on this site for the third book for the Dark Waters Trilogy is a mystery. It's fitting in that in Arkham you'd really be kept in the dark, but for a business it looks like FFG's book biz is not a high priority to market. Must not be making them enough to hype?
Missing a clue...
I sent them an email about it a while ago, and they said that it just hasn't been announced yet. Hardly clears matters up, though I suppose it does confirm that there will be a third book.
I was looking around, it appears that McNeil has probably got a lot going and agreed to pen these over the course of three years. The first two books were each released after Gen Con in the September kick in to the 4th quarter. So, I am anticipating that we will see something here in August unless it gets neglected with all the other convention stuff.
All-in-all, its lame for them to do a trilogy and leave such a lack of any follow up for the customers. The books definitely got me back into their Arkham Horror game which for all intent purposes is a dead game now. FFG does a solid job with their game marketing but they are not as dedicated with the books from what I am experiencing.
Soon hopefully... ???
There's a very interesting segment of this year's In-Flight Report from GenCon where Christian addresses the novels issue. He basically said that, while novels per se aren't a priority for the company, they will continue to release them for 'current' IPs they are releasing games for.
So, Eldritch Horror might well mean that we'll see these trilogies completed, and perhaps more novels set in this universe. I suppose the recent release of Feeders from Within should have meant they haven't entirely abandoned the novels anyway, but I feel this is encouraging news!
Nice to see the cover art, but what is the release date for Dweller in the Deep ?
It appears they are all "Lost in Time & Space".