Ok, Bounty Cards question

By keltheos, in Relic

Anyone with the game wondering if they should be marking bounty cards with a character token when they're placed on the board?

The 'you' language would imply you do so, but the cards where you place a character token I can see clearly state when you do so, the Bounties don't.

Thoughts? I went with open-ended so whomever can claim said bounty can, but I can see where they may be reserved for the character that drew them also…

Asked FFG and received a response already!! :)

" Threat cards are only read and resolved when a player is resolving his Engagement Phase on the space with that threat card. The intent is that once a card is no longer on your space, you should no longer be required to read or remember it.

So with "bounties", during his Engagement phase a player first moves the card, resolving the first printed effect. Then, if he choose to (and was able to) place the card on his current space, he'd receive the second printed effect, discarding it to receive the completed mission.
Hope that makes sense. Enjoy the game!"

Yeah, the wording on those cards got me at first too. I just figured it was the way you say Fantasy Flight described it. Anyone can resolve it once they land on the card. Would be nice if it was worded a little clearer.

That 'you' threw me off completely especially when it was included on those mission cards where 'you' place character tokens for 'your' spaces. :)