Hi Folks,
I'd like to run Escape from Mos Shuuta using Roll20 and Google Hangouts, and I am looking for 4 players. You do not need to own the Beginner Box.
While I am used to GMing online for WFRP3 using Fantasy Grounds II, it would be my first time running SW EotE and my first time using Roll20… so I am planning to use only the Beginner Box rules, and I am planning to run it as the Learn as you Go adventure it is.
This isn't meant to be a campaign, although it may become one if we decide to continue with Long Arm afterwards. Anyway, think of it for now as a Demo game basically where we discover Roll20 capabilities and SW EotE mechanisms, and have fun doing so.
If you are interested, please click on the following thread which will send you to a community board focused on fostering playing WFRP3 and SW EotE virtually. Register and sign-up by answering to the thread. You can also pick one of the four pre-generated characters.
Fri. April 5, 7-11 pm EST, Roll20: Escape from Mos Shuuta