Familiar Bond

By fortuneNext, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions


in Radical's Handbook, there is a minor psypower called "Familiar Bond". Now, there is absolutly no specification which creatures can be bound. Does the creature need to have a specific type? Does it need to be friends with me? Is there a maximum size? Also, it doesnt say in how far you can get rid of your old familiar and get a new one. Any thoughts? Is "Oh look, a fenksworld pit thing as adventure final bossfight… great new familiar!" possible?



It works best treated as a smaller creature, one character in a game I was in basically found a little puffy creature similar to a kiwi bird. Many funny and cute things ensued, it was also named "Biscuits".

Think, the psyker doesn't have control over the creature, but rather a link to it. That is why a powerful beast wouldn't just submit to the psyker, it has to be willing (though this power should be in a beastmaster psyker's lineup) or at worst, somewhat neutral. I also wouldn't let them just change out familiars easily, because breaking that bond is a traumatic event.