It may help to know which sets/packs you have. A good investigator deck is always fun to play, even thematically, especially if you like the "good guy / bad guy" set up in your games for theme.
I think you might want to consider upping your character count overall because you want to be putting out at least 1 to 2 characters per turn to make up for attrition from insanity and combat. I'd caution against putting in too many "control" effects (like Short Fuse, Blast, Small Price, Parchment) when you really want to out-rush your opponent. Each control card is a domain not used to play a character, and makes it easier to be controlled by your opponent by wounding/destruction/sacrifice effects. To that end, I like your idea of using Jamie Winthrop for icon-control to manage winning struggles, but I wonder if he's not that efficient since you really need to have draw effects during story phase to make use of him, and those are cards that you can't play during operations. For example, I would rather use Forbidden Knowledge on an insane character to sac him during operations in hopes of getting more characters to play.
Have you considered Mu and Ipiutak for more resilience? What about Voros Hal'l Jon to search out the Advisor if you don't get it early? What about Binding for more efficient icon-control?
I have 3x core, secrets, silver twilight box, rituals cycle, shifting sands and now miskatonic box. I'm still a bit cautious about including all those powerful new miskatonic cards until the yog box comes out to even out the opposition.
appreciate you taking the time to give sound advice here. I sort of like the Winthrop twist, but I will reconsider the other control portion of the deck - but I find them useful to keep the opponent on edge.
Playtesting also shows you are right - the deck needs more characters; or better ways to protect them.
Obscure Linguist is a great card that does the same thing as Winthrop without the extra work, and it fits into your investigator theme. Also, even if you don't want to put in all the strong cards from Seekers, you should consider Whitton Greene to get Forbidden Knowledge and Scientific Text, that way you can get the draw effects for Winthrop.
Yes, I really like the card Obscure Linguist but I put it outside the cost range for this deck; maybe a another thing to reconsider.
Have you any experience using other cost 4+ miskatonic characters?
Ali Kafour is 4 cost, so I thought you were considering those. Obscure Linguist really is good to troubleshoot problematic characters. There aren't that many that I would consider otherwise, maybe Peaslee.
Yeah, I missed that he was both Faculty and Investigator.